XCOM 2 is on sale for less than $5

A Berserker Queen alien from XCOM 2
(Image credit: 2K)

You can play some very good games for very cheap. Those ranks now include XCOM 2, the best tactical game of 2016 and currently on sale on Steam for $4.80. That's £2.80 or AUD$7.20 or CDN$ 6.40. That's cheap, because it's on sale for 92% off worldwide, which is to say in every Steam region. It's a mad price for a game I got 200 hours out of before it even had an expansion pack.

If you're feeling more extravagant, the XCOM 2 collection, which includes all the DLC, is 85% off, just $20. I'm not going to do all the currencies again because I think you get it by this point in the article: They've been on sale before, but as far as I know this is a new low. The price-tracking hawks at SteamDB seems to agree.

That's a lot of very good tactics game for very cheap. If you haven't played before, well, clear your schedule as you're in for a treat. It scored a whopping 94 in our 2016 review, and has since then maintained its place on The PC Gamer Top 100 and our Best Strategy Games lists ever since. "We'll play this forever," we said in the XCOM 2 review, and we really did mean it. The long  life of the game has only gotten longer with mods, too, and there's Steam Workshop support for all manner of nonsense—not to mention how far you can go if you're willing to step over to NexusMods.

You can find XCOM 2 at 92% off, or $4.80, until February 18th on Steam.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.