Watch Star Wars 1313 running on a “high-end PC with Nvidia hardware”

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We first heard about Star Wars 1313 last week ; it's a third-person shooter that sets you up as a no-nonsense bounty hunter working within the inner depths of Coruscant.

Platforms and release dates are yet to be confirmed but, as verified by creative director Dominic Robilliard in a Spike TV segment from E3, it's currently running on a high-end PC with Nvidia hardware. Click through for the first footage of 1313 in action.

“It's what people want to see; this darker, grittier version of Star Wars. And that's what we're working to deliver,” mentions Dominic.

LucasArt's initial platform of choice isn't that surprising; Star Wars 1313 is a more mature take on the Star Wars universe than we've seen for a while and, as you can see from the upcoming footage, it's set to be a shadowier, flamier, prettier one too.

Epic VP Mark Rein has also provided extra details via twitter earlier on today, confirming the demo was made with Unreal Engine 3.