Wargroove is 'coming along at a really good pace', says Chucklefish

Announced in February last year, Wargroove is Chucklefish's cutesy "Advance Wars meets Fire Emblem" turn-based strategy game. To be honest, I didn't know all that much about it till it unveiled this adorable dog commander ahead of E3, and I'm now pretty much all in. I'm therefore pleased to hear Chucklefish CEO Finn "Tiy" Brice say it's coming along well, despite taking its time. 

"For everyone following Wargroove," says Tiy on Twitter. "It's coming along at a really good pace, the reason it's been taking longer than expected is because we decided we wanted a very complete and robust 'package' as well as wanting to perfect everything that was there. Thanks for being patient."

Which is good news. Around this time last year, Evan said Wargroove was still looking quite good—as he discussed the game's campaign editor, matchmaking, and more with Chucklefish. Samuel then followed up with the dev on its ambitious branching narratives and mod support

With all of this in mind, we earmarked Wargroove as a strategy game to look out for in 2018 in January. Tiy's assurances suggest it will arrive this year, and, assuming all goes to plan behind the scenes, here's hoping it does.  

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show