Endless Space 2 gunning for Early Access this summer

First announced just over a year ago, Endless Space 2—the turn-based sci-fi-inspired 4x sequel to its 2012 forerunner—is bound for Steam’s Early Access initiative this summer. To celebrate, developer Amplitude Studios (who was recently acquired by Sega) has launched two new faction-specific trailers for the returning Sophon and Cravers species.   

The first looks at the “curious, analytical and knowledge-seeking” Sophons, a group who’re driven by their “thirst to discover”; while the second explores the Cravers—a “scary, all-consuming” insectoid lifeform. 

Endless Space 2 will eventually feature eight playable major factions—each of which will have its own style of play, technologies (including spaceships), heroes and storylines—however the Early Access version will kick off with the two noted above. 

Starting today, Amplitude is also running a Faction Creation Contest which lets prospective players submit ideas for their own factions. If that tickles your fancy, head this way to learn more. The first phase ends October 13.  

Endless Space 2 is set to enter Early Access some time this summer.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show