All content archive
May 2013
420 articles
- May 31
- As Real As It Gets: here's an exoskeleton suit for your gaming needs
- Take-Two's Zelnick says "MMOs don't work" in the US
- Here's a peek at Wasteland 2's inventory system
- StarCraft 2 American and Korean WCS Season 1 finals this weekend
- The Free Webgame Round-Up
- What we want from Mirror's Edge 2
- See the Arma 3 beta video during two livestreaming events starting tomorrow
- Company of Heroes 2 trailer promises tank on tank action
- Krieg the Psycho gets a backstory, inner monologue in new Borderlands 2 short film
- Dragon's Prophet flies into open beta, brings along trailers
- Xenonauts to invade Steam Early Access later today
- Prison Architect alpha 10 update brings Steam Workshop, riots, and a penguin
- Deus Ex: Nihilum mod released, offering 10 hours of cyberpunk adventure
- The Walking Dead and other Telltale adventures fall victim to the Humble Weekly Sale
- Major League Gaming and Infinite Crisis join forces
- May 30
- Fallout: New Vegas mod Project Brazil adds a new vault, campaign and stat-focused gameplay
- Payday 2 gameplay trailer shows a clean heist get messy
- Survarium game world detailed in new dev interview
- World of Tanks developer to unify premium accounts across all titles
- Dishonored designer's grim book, 'Big Jack is Dead' is free today
- Kerbal Space Program blasts into physics classroom as an end-of-year project
- Award-winning game writer wants storytelling to play a larger role in game development
- Double Fine's second Kickstarter, Massive Chalice, weds XCOM with medieval bloodlines
- Black Crown tells an interactive tale of tragic love and microtransactions
- Dota 2 works to rehabilitate abusive players, sees drop in overall abuse reports
- Civilization 5: Brave New World video details trade routes, camels
- The Flock trailer shows atmospheric asymmetrical online horror
- Guild Wars 2 data miner finds evidence of group matchmaking
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 2GB review
- Wetware trailer uploads real time hacking strategy into your eyes
- Mirror's Edge 2 listing spotted on EA's help centre
- Wargame: AirLand Battle trailer celebrates launch with explosions and rock
- 1997's classic Shadow Warrior is now free on Steam
- Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod dev explains a new game mode, shows customizable armies
- May 29
- Rise of the Triad's system requirements and cover art released
- Zineth developer's next project is Perfect Stride, a psychedelic skateboarding game
- 7 Days to Die adds crafting and voxels to your post-apocalyptic sandbox
- MMORPG Rift will be free to all former subscribers this weekend
- Curiosity winner's godhood in Godus comes with a term limit
- Neverhood developer is carving out a new claymation vision with Armikrog
- Redshirt preview: a sci-fi "disempowerement fantasy" about social networking on a starship
- Hardware: Shipbreakers trailer shows first in-game footage
- Rising Storm release date announced - Red Orchestra 2's Pacific expansion lands tomorrow
- Company of Heroes 2 trailer suggests you hold off on "the next big FPS"
- Blizzard's Titan MMO is being overhauled; won't see light of day until 2016
- Daedalic's newest adventure, Night of the Rabbit, released on Steam
- Scrolls beta release date announced, launch trailer released by Mojang
- Contrast is a dual-world light-and-shadow platformer
- Borderlands 2 DLC will cast Tiny Tina as a pen-and-paper GM
- Is Crysis 3 getting some tropical island DLC?
- DayZ Standalone now in closed alpha testing, paid public alpha still on track for June
- DICE LA manager talks Battlefield, recruitment, and future Star Wars games
- Humble Indie Bundle 8 discounts Hotline Miami, Awesomenauts, Dear Esther, and more
- May 28
- Warframe update boosts ninja quotient with clan Dojos and new weapons
- Crusader Kings 2: The Old Gods sets sail with hardcore, beard-glorifying launch trailer
- Nvidia court Youtubers with ShadowPlay recording feature: "like Sky Plus for PC gamers"
- The Forest interview: survival, horror and the VR wilderness
- PC Gamer US Podcast #353 - What's in the box?
- Wolfenstein: The New Order screenshots show Blazkowicz at war
- Endless Space announces Disharmony, the turn-based strategy's first full expansion
- Darkwood trailer delivers top-down scares from the atmospheric horror roguelike
- Square Enix want earlier interaction with customers, look to Kickstarter as inspiration
- Gunpoint release date, demo and pre-orders pounce into view
- May 27
- Marvel Heroes hands-on: punch Hulk armies in Gazillion's free-to-play MMO action RPG
- Planetary Annihilation planning December release, alpha access begins next week
- Crusader Kings 2 patch 1.10 prepares for The Old Gods
- Scrolls release date announced, launch trailer shows tactical battling and sacrificial bunnies
- Heavy Gear Assault adds singleplayer stretch goals, Oculus Rift support
- Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition already has 350,000 words of additional content
- Curiosity unboxed, winner to become the god of Godus
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn trailer shows colourful in-game footage
- May 26
- May 25
- Saturday Crapshoot Live - Harvester
- 7 Grand Steps is just a short walk away from its June 7 release
- Roguelike meets rhythm game in the joyous Crypt of the NecroDancer
- The Free Webgame Round-Up
- The Elder Scrolls Online hands-on: six levels of combat, crafting and exploration
- The wistful, whimsical platformer Element4l is now on Steam
- Jagged Alliance: Flashback is successfully funded
- Leisure Suit Larry remake faces delays
- May 24
- Guns of Icarus Online flies past Kickstarter goal for new expansion
- Chemical Spillage Simulation is a thing, and it's coming to us this June
- Destiny on PC still uncertain, Bungie writer says
- Max Payne and Alan Wake writer delivers answers in Reddit AMA
- World of Tanks announces bonus XP and discounted tanks for Memorial Day sale
- PC Gamer UK Podcast: Episode 90 - Where In The World Is Doctor Von Sports-N-CoD?
- Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe comes to Steam
- Sir, You Are Being Hunted video shows off new fog-shrouded mountain biome
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare gets another free Steam weekend and slashed prices
- What we want from Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Company of Heroes 2 story trailer suggests war might not be all fun and games
- Wargame: AirLand Battle trailer strategically mixes war room planning with RTS battling
- Starcraft 2's WCS Europe Season 1 league finalists to clash this weekend
- Dust: An Elysian Tail bringing 2D RPG action to Steam later today
- Skyward Collapse released, turn-based god game diplomacy arrives on Steam
- Need for Speed: Rivals announced, PC version will "look easily as good" as next-gen
- Joe Danger and Joe Danger 2 coming to PC with new levels, ghosts, graphics, Steam Workshop
- Indie game Still Time bends time, twists logic
- Saints Row 4 trailer throws a guy into a jet
- Check out Terraria's PC-only 1.2 update
- Empire: Total War opens up its multiplayer beta again
- Witcher 2 REDkit mod tutorials begin to surface
- Meet The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot's archer and the fearsome chicken army pursuing him
- Dying Light is a new survival horror game by Dead Island developer Techland
- May 23
- Call of Duty: Ghosts engine isn't brand new, but upgraded
- Rift free-to-play detailed; Trion promises "no tricks, no traps"
- Omerta: City of Gangsters getting a free update today
- Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes standalone expansion released
- EA CTO: Xbox One architecture is "a generation ahead of the highest end PC on the market"
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn release date announced
- SIGGRAPH 2013 technology trailer showcases experimental graphics, drool-worthy physics
- Battlefield 3 double XP event begins today, runs to Monday
- Arma 3 hands-on: helicopter jousting, rabbiting and underwater action from the alpha
- Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 review
- Kerbal Space Program's 0.20 update lets you capture with flags
- Alan Wake stars in the latest Humble Weekly Sale
- Civilization 5: Brave New World trailer previews policy paths, introduces ideology
- PlanetSide 2 GU09 patch released, adds "Lattice" lanes to direct map flow
- CS:GO community to regulate itself through "Overwatch"
- Microsoft (still) won't focus on the "traditional desktop PC game"
- Crusader Kings 2: The Old Gods final dev diary details overhauled technology system
- Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers — Savage Summoning card revealed
- May 22
- Indie presence at E3 will "force big developers to compete with compelling gameplay"
- SimCity update 4.0 hits tomorrow with various fine-tuning efforts
- Don't Starve update adds caves and bunnies
- Call of Duty: Ghosts screenshot analysis: special forces, jungles, random armchairs and frightened fish
- Former CEO of Electronic Arts: gamers will "learn to love" always-online gaming
- Kinect will be available for Windows PCs "at some point"
- MechWarrior Online update adds new canyon map and sniper mech
- Civilization V's new civilization abilities and unique units, and how to use them
- Metro: Last Light DLC detailed - four packs incoming, first to arrive in June
- Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition's PC release date set for July
- Wildstar screenshots and trailers reveal Scientist and Settler paths
- Shelter footage reveals the harshness of nature, the badassery of badgers
- Battlefield 4 release date announced, will arrive late October/early November
- FIFA 14's next-gen Ignite engine won't be coming to PC
- TERA's birthday month culminates in a "glutton" for a mount
- May 21
- First Battlefield 4 DLC revealed as a pre-order incentive
- DayZ Mod seeks community input before next patch release
- Guild Wars 2 is now cheaper by ten bucks
- Diablo 3 one year anniversary infographic unleashes hellishly huge numbers
- World of Warcraft's 5.3 Escalation update introduces new scenarios, gameplay changes
- Xbox One: Three ways it could affect PC gaming
- Call of Duty: Ghosts introduces new engine, destructible multiplayer maps, a dog
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist co-op trailer shows off new buddy-cop stealth gameplay
- Dragon's Prophet enters open beta May 30
- PlanetSide 1 promotion offers six free months; game to eventually go free-to-play
- World of Tanks screenshots show a barrage of artillery from update 8.6
- Crusader Kings 2: The Old Gods contest gives you the chance to create an in-game event
- Guild Wars 2's Last Stand at Southsun update to hold its ground next week
- Civilization 5: Brave New World expansion to add Indonesia and Morocco
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger launch trailer and screenshots tell the tall tales of the Wild West
- Heavy Gear Assault seeks to revive the franchise with awesome crumbly environments
- How EA's MOBA Dawngate is going to do things differently
- Loadout invites you to create an insane weapon and take it for a spin
- Former GTA dev vowed never to work on a violent game again
- Super Hexagon and VVVVVV developer working on a puzzle game
- Shadow Warrior teaser trailer announces the reboot that no one knew they wanted
- May 20
- Obsidian CEO says AAA games are "not relevant" to most developers
- Dota 2 breaks concurrent Steam players record (again)
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons preview - solving beautiful puzzles with sibling teamwork
- N v2.0 released, adding new levels and local multiplayer to the hardcore platformer
- Satellite Reign teaser promises spiritual successor to "Bullfrog masterpiece"
- Batman: Arkham Origins trailer contains gratuitous henchman violence
- Hawken map overview takes mech warfare to the Front Line
- Ludum Dare 26 round-up recommends over 260 games
- Obsidian working with Allods Online devs to make Skyforge
- Call of Duty: Ghosts redefines teaser with 6 seconds of wireframe footage
- Bats is back: Kevin Conroy returns for Batman: Arkham Origins [Updated]
- May 19
- Among The Sleep now among the Kickstarter funded
- WildStar's second phase of closed beta is no longer region-locked
- Support for original Guild Wars goes automated, as ArenaNet focus on its sequel
- Planescape: Torment delivered on its promise, a whip-smart game about 'philosophers with clubs'
- Mod of the Week: RikMuld's Camping Mod, for Minecraft
- May 18
- The Swapper clones itself to Steam May 30th, celebrates with a clayful new trailer
- Surrealist stealth game Tangiers will let you collect conversations, hurl them at enemies
- Thief preview: Garrett returns to a city of voyeurism and detail, power and character
- The Free Webgame Round-Up
- Download This — GoldenEye 4 Dead
- Final Fantasy 8 is being spruced up in HD for the PC
- Spend a moment in time with this Jagged Alliance: Flashback diorama
- Something horrible is afoot in Battlefield Heroes
- The Elder Scrolls Online gameplay video shows exploration and crafting
- Layoffs hit Defiance developer Trion Worlds
- May 17
- Team Fortress 2 Robotic Boogaloo update adds 57 new items
- PC Gamer US Podcast #352 - Going Roguelike
- What we want from The Sims 4
- Black Ops 2: Uprising released, double weapon XP weekend begins
- PC Gamer ShootMania Launch Cup match report - the grand fInals
- CS:GO free weekend starts today, runs until Sunday
- Nvidia surprised the Titan outsold the year-old GTX 690 in just 3 months. We're not.
- Civilization V: Brave New World hands-on preview
- Asus to bring RoG goodness down to the mainstream with a Z87-based Hero
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance to get PC release
- Wargame: AirLand Battle launches end of the month; new screens reveal Dynamic Campaign
- Grand Theft Auto 5 screenshots show major vehicle larceny
- 2D god game Reus released - launch trailer warns of mercurial mankind
- SimCity getting Amusement Park DLC, according to an early store listing
- Pre-patching has begun for Star Trek Online's next expansion
- Renaissance Heroes brings some old-time flair to the FPS scene
- Sims 3 Island Paradise threatens happy houseboats with angry kraken attacks
- What does Nintendo's claiming of Let's Play videos mean for us PC gamers?
- New Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn screens show off some nice scenery
- SMITE gets Isis as a new playable god
- RIOTs, legends, farming, and more in latest Steam Greenlight batch
- Assassin's Creed and Far Cry lift Ubisoft to $83.3 million in profits last year
- May 16
- DayZ Standalone map designer recalls time in prison
- CDProjekt RED picks best Witcher 2 mod from the REDkit beta
- Metro: Last Light FOV patch released, also fixes AMD issues
- PC Gamer Gamer Rank is live - sign up now to track your gaming stats
- Batman: Arkham Origins' first teaser is short and punchy
- Catch the wyrm with Dragon's Prophet's PC Gamer Beta Weekend
- League of Legends' 3.7 patch will let you go window shopping before your match
- Dawngate site trails EA's new unannounced DoTA-like
- Anomaly 2 released on Steam, trailer shows mighty morphing tower dangers
- EA to discontinue Online Pass program thanks to consumer feedback
- Sanctum 2 shows up on Steam
- Here are the first face-melting screenshots of Magicka: Wizard Wars
- The Stomping Land pits you against local dinosaurs, and somebody has to get eaten
- Dragon Nest's latest patch introduces the ability to grow your own food—oh, and a dragon
- Just Cause developer had a steampunk game in the works, will make it "sooner or later"
- DARK's here to remind us what vampirism is really about
- May 15
- Road Not Taken trailer teases poetry-inspired indie roguelike
- Steam Trading Cards releases in beta, introduces game badges, XP, and leveling
- BitTorrent study suggests game piracy not as rampant as some have claimed
- Former THQ president details brutal working conditions at Metro: Last Light dev 4A Games
- World of Tanks at Tankfest 2013, give £80,000 to tank education
- DNIEPR Left 4 Dead 2 campaign reproduces Ukrainian exclusion zone, fills it with zombies
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag trailer takes to the seas, attacks everything in and around them
- Sid Meier on the inflexibility of Kickstarter: "I really enjoy the luxury of changing my design"
- DICE open new studio in LA, possibly to work on Star Wars games
- PC Gamer ShootMania Launch Cup grand final: watch the livestream from 8pm BST tonight
- Dota 2 Interactive Compendium gets new stretch goals, including vote on next released hero
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 2.1 update released - adds hair cuts, colour co-ordination and cats
- Metro: Last Light locks FOV, forces aim assist, lets you fix some of these things
- City-building strategy game Anno Online enters open beta today
- Show Me The Games shows us savings on 32 indie games
- Design your Stronghold Kingdoms dream-castle with this fan-made mod
- Hawken developer levels the gender playing field with Brosie the Riveter
- Warren Spector takes on review aggregator Metacritic as a model that should be "irrelevant"
- Does Greenlight get enough attention? Not according to some indie devs
- Humble Double Fine Bundle adds eight prototypes, Amnesia Fortnight documentary
- May 14
- The Novelist is a ghost story from the perspective of the ghost
- Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones mod adding massive eastern continent
- Windows 8.1, formerly known as Windows Blue, will be a free update
- Borderlands 2 Psycho Pack now available, Krieg the Psycho's genesis detailed new dev diary
- EVE Online expansion adds hacking mini-game
- StarCraft pro-player IdrA transitioning to commentating after being fired
- Rift will be free-to-play in June
- Wolfenstein: New Order screenshots show Nazis, robots and Nazi robots
- Bioshock Infinite "significantly" outsells past Bioshocks, and other fiscal facts from Take-Two
- Guild Wars 2 microtransaction sales have been "consistent and strong"
- Dota 2 Compendium completes second stretch goal, International prize pot over $1.9 million
- Download NVIDIA's new uncanny valley-thwarting face rendering demo
- Here are the first screenshots out of Survarium's newly opened alpha
- Incredible Machine developers announce spiritual sequel to the series
- Monaco developer may add two more competitive modes
- StarCraft 2's most successful European announces retirement
- Watch Dogs developers consult with internet security firm for more realistic hacking
- May 13
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag trailer reminds us that pirates are cool, claims to tell "true stories"
- Among the Sleep gets Oculus Rift support; free alpha starts tomorrow
- Fear of commitment in games: how to stop starting over, dating advice style
- The Bureau: XCOM Declassified preview — Why this isn't the XCOM I wanted
- The Bureau: XCOM Declassified trailer gives up its secrets
- Metro: Last Light review
- Son of Nor adds mind control to its magical arsenal, with the Emotiv EPOC brain interface
- Mass Effect spin-offs discussed by BioWare dev team - Garrus, Javik or Illusive Man could star
- Teslagrad: an electro-magnetic puzzle platformer, now on Steam Greenlight
- Wargame: AirLand Battle trailer explains deck system, adds gratuitous explosions
- The Witcher 2's REDKit mod tools now officially released
- Guild Wars 2 living story continues; earnings report suggests ArenaNet "preparing expansion"
- Skyward Collapse trailer shows violent conflict resolution, release next week
- Road Rash-inspired Road Redemption secures Kickstarter funding
- Watch 15 minutes of Half-Life 2 on the Oculus Rift
- May 12
- May 11
- Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding goes live, along with a lengthy gameplay video
- Payday 2 preview: the co-op shooter sequel with serious heist sim aspirations
- adventure game sale discounts Machinarium, Miasmata, To The Moon and more
- Defiance to get five DLC expansions this year
- The Sims 3 indulges in flights of fancy with a new dragon town
- Legendary WoW guild quits hardcore raiding for good
- New WildStar trailer is all about movement
- Latest Hawken update brings a new map: the desert-based Facility
- Here's what American McGee has in mind for a possible third Alice game
- Rex Rocket: a platformer full of pixels, menacing AI, and space burgers
- Darkwood tries to balance old-school gameplay and primal terror with an Indiegogo campaign
- World of Project Tanks? Wargaming files lawsuit against "disturbingly similar" tank game
- Bit.Trip discounts games for May'hem sale, hopes you see what they did there
- May 10
- System Shock 2 arrives on Steam
- Half-Life 2 gets official Oculus Rift support
- GeoGuessr turns Google Street View into a game of investigative orienteering
- Techland releases teaser trailer for Hellraid, shows off skeletons, explosions, swords
- If Metro: Last Light Ranger Mode is "the way it was meant to be played" why isn't it included for all players? We ask Koch
- Dishonored, Skyrim and more for cheap in GamersGate's Bethesda sale bonanza
- The Free Webgame Round-Up
- PC Gamer UK June issue: Company of Heroes 2
- Evil Geniuses remove IdrA from their Starcraft 2 roster after the pro-player insulted fans
- Watch Dogs preview — No GTA 5 on PC? No problem
- Origin beta update targets live-streamers, achievement collectors and "power gamers"
- Black Ops 2 gets free Steam weekend, double XP throughout
- Civilization V: Brave New World trailer details an art attack
- Cognition episode three hits next week; play as an investigator AND a serial killer
- SWTOR's average monthly revenue has doubled since going F2P
- FreeCiv available in HTML5 browsers, worldwide productivity plummets
- Minecraft is the latest game to get Oculus Rift support with "Minecrift" mod
- May 9
- Colonial Marines devs TimeGate Studios reportedly laying off all staff
- Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion getting its first DLC next month
- Seagate gets in on the SSD game while WD and SanDisk team up
- OpenXCom renews the original UFO Defense as a valid option for terror
- Driver Fusion's on Steam, and ready to scrub your PC clean of old driver bits
- New Batman: Arkham Origins screenshots look so very good
- PC Gamer Shootmania Launch Tournament match report - week four
- Total War: Rome 2 release date set for September, pre-order pack and collector's edition detailed
- Saints Row 4 trailer introduces you to the President of the United States of Ameriwub
- Wolfenstein: The New Order won't contain multiplayer
- EA buy domains for Battlefields up to 20, release new screenshots of Battlefield 4
- MechWarrior Online's newest patch brings a world of Misery
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 gets even more gritty 'n' real with the Oculus Rift
- World of Warcraft lost more than a million subscribers last quarter, is still bigger than everything ever
- May 8
- New Wargame: AirLand Battle screenshots show star-spangled awesome of American forces
- New Diablo 3 patch goes live, brings with it gold duping bug
- The Night Of The Rabbit hands-on: a gentle new adventure from The Whispered World devs
- Stylish The Wolf Among Us screenshots feature punching and a chain-smoking pig
- New Cube World video shows the indie RPG's approach to crafting, magic, sailing and stealth
- Battlefield 3 hit by server outages, seemingly caused by DDOS attack
- Son of Nor: telekinesis and terraforming in a dynamic desert world
- EA ditches gun licensing deals this year - but will continue to use branded guns
- The Showdown Effect gets two free characters and maps, plus "terrifying hats"
- Trials Evolution: Gold Edition gets a demo and a discount
- Garry's Mod creator responds to Gmod confusion
- Just Cause developer nearly landed deal to develop an open-world Star Wars game
- Check out quiet puzzle game Alone in the Park for a break from rip-roaring action
- Dropchord preview — Double Fine's finger-controlled game demonstrates impressive tech
- May 7
- Humble Double Fine Bundle goes live, $35 gets all games plus Broken Age pre-order
- AOC goes head-to-head with Asus on the refreshing 144Hz battlefield
- Don't be nervous, but Valve still wants to measure your sweat
- PC Gamer Shootmania Launch Cup: week four. Watch the livestream from 7pm BST tonight
- Planetary Annihilation puts on the gun show in recent livestream
- Size Five Games announce GUN_MONKEYS, a procedurally generated online deathmatch
- AMD talk up drive to "transform AMD into a gaming company"
- SimCity 3.0 update sets sights on traffic, allows students to cross the road
- Wolfenstein: The New Order announced to stomping robots and Jimi Hendrix
- Increase the Dota 2 International tournament prize pool by buying a "living" virtual book
- Candy Box creator on surprise success, sequel plans and "Lolligators"
- World of Warships shots show ships, scenery, suspiciously little war
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger trailer sings the bloody story of Silas Greaves
- Project Awakened temporarily put to sleep, backers given full refunds
- Fulfill your decapitation fantasies with Disunion for Oculus Rift
- Disney and EA teaming up to make use of the Star Wars licence
- Will Wright: SimCity's launch issues "inexcusable," industry is "falling short"
- Gmod aims to get your mods working with a minimum of fiddling and fuss
- Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time will be released sometime in July
- From force feedback wheels to international racing circuits: a video game driver goes pro
- Rhianna Pratchett on game development, gender equality and #1ReasonToBe
- May 6
- The Sims 4 officially announced, will allow offline play
- Silent Enemy, Papo & Yo devs' next game, is coming to PC
- The Free Webgame Round-Up
- Skyrim gets giant colossi-like creatures thanks to the amazing Here There Be Monsters mod
- Indie RPG Chasm leaps over Kickstarter goal
- Might and Magic Heroes VI swamped by bugs, crashes, missing content
- Neverwinter invites you to its Whispering Caverns - it would be rude to say no
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon creative director wants to make a sequel
- May 5
- May 4
- May 3
- Civilization V: Brave New World--new details on Civ's new systems
- PlanetSide 2 patch adds three-person Harasser buggy, balancing adjustments galore
- Introducing Stinky the Gaming Footboard--yes, playing with your feet is going to become a thing
- PC Gamer US Podcast #351 - Wormhole Problems
- Dishonored's pre-order bonuses collected in the Void Walker's Arsenal DLC, hitting 14th May
- Free-to-play racing game Auto Club Revolution has gone live
- 42 Light Years takes a different approach to puzzling
- First-person puzzler Magrunner: Dark Pulse is Portal by way of the mighty Cthulhu
- Epic's Unreal Engine 3-powered Epic Citadel tech demo running in browsers via HTML5
- Road Rash-inspired Road Redemption gets Oculus Rift support via stretch goal
- PC Gamer Shootmania Launch Tournament match report - week three
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist trailer pits Spies against their natural enemy, the Merc
- Guncraft trailer proves that if you build it, they will kill you
- Gearbox writes off Aliens false advertising lawsuit as "frivolous litigation"
- Borderlands 2's next DLC stars Tiny Tina
- Elder Scrolls Online trailer sets up the main quest, shows off new Oblivion realm
- May 2
- Remember Me trailer explains how we'll play the game of mind games
- REDkit closed beta screens show modders' gorgeous Witcher 2 forests
- What we want from the World of Darkness MMO
- Download This — Organ Trail
- Obsidian working on a "unique next generation game", possibly not the one I'm thinking of
- Shinji Mikami spills guts on streamlined HUD and nail bombs in his new survival horror The Evil Within
- Steam and GOG take 30% cut of revenue vs. Humble Bundle 5% says Fez creator
- Might and Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness illuminated in launch trailer
- Cloudbuilt built this city on jetpacks and wall-running, as this trailer demonstrates
- Three more games get Greenlit: Edge of Space, Papers, Please and Venetica
- Only 50 layers left on Molyneux's Curiosity cube, dead clown inside starting to smell
- Candies is an ASCII browser game about questing and candy
- QUBE's first DLC introduces more colors than ever before
- It's TERA's birthday--here's what celebrations are planned
- Camelot Unchained reaches Kickstarter goal in final day surge
- May 1
- Gaslamp explains how combat will function in Clockwork Empires
- Crusader Kings 2: The Old Gods in-depth Q&A
- Call of Duty: Ghosts announcement trailer is heavy on historical cosplay, light on information
- Get a free weekend of Marvel Heroes thanks to Iron Man 3's existence
- Guild Wars 2's Flame & Frost: Retribution guide helps you finish (or start) its living story
- Corsair go big on the mini PC chassis
- ESEA release malware into public client, forcing users to farm Bitcoins [Updated]
- Learn how to play ShootMania with Team Dignitas
- Epigenesis trailer shows the hazardous side of the Make Something Unreal winner
- Win StarCraft II goodies and a GeForce GTX 670 in PC Gamer UK 252
- Torment: Tides of Numenera makes final stretch goal, player strongholds now secured
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon releases today, launch trailer promises robo-balls to the wall action
- Gearbox and Sega to defend against claims of Aliens: Colonial Marines false advertising
- Stealth Bastard release on Linux and Mac means a sale for everybody
- Kentucky Route Zero's next episode delayed a couple of weeks
- Affected by Neverwinter's launch issues? Here are some workarounds
- The incredible story of Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr and the birth of EVE Online