This GTA 5 Kratos mod brings God of War to PC

Videogames Twitter is awash with God of War PS4 reviews today, and I hear it's pretty good. In addition, I understand that series protagonist Kratos likes to unwind in Los Santos, when he's not off battling Titans and rewriting Norse and Greek mythology. 

Complete with his iconic Blades of Chaos, Lê Tuấn Khải's Kratos—God of War III Grand Theft Auto 5 mod lets the Ghost of Sparta pull planes from the sky, smash police vans to bits, and make a general nuisance of himself in San Andreas. 

Look, see: 

The mod's creator recommends Meth0d's AddonPeds when adding Kratos to GTA 5, however full details, including installation instructions, can be found in this direction

DarwinVS' Zeus God of War mod is a little older, but, as the name suggests, brings Kratos' father Zeus into the fold. DarwinVS has their own Kratos pedestrian model mod too, which they've used to create this colossal showdown:

And if that's not enough to scratch your God of War itch on PC, there are mods out there that add Kratos' likeness to Fallout 4, Skyrim and Metal Gear Solid 5. On the other hand, you could sign up for Sony's PS Now streaming service and play an actual God of War game. If you're after some superpowers in regular GTA, use these  GTA 5 cheats.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show