This great Steam page highlights all the new indies from cancelled EGX Rezzed

(Image credit: Polygon Treehouse)

The cancellation of a bunch of conventions this year due to the coronavirus pandemic stinks for the big publishers, but it hurts indies the most. Indies on PC really only prosper via word of mouth, so they need those convention-goers to learn about their games. Nonrefundable airline tickets suck, to boot. 

Valve's doing a bit to lessen the sting, and has gone ahead and pushed the digital page for new games that would have been at EGX Rezzed this weekend. (Though maybe it's still happening in July?) The Rezzed Digital collection is a visual treat, a scrolling wall of gorgeous and silly looking games that is a balm to me in these trying times. It's a promise of the lovely future of brand new games coming our way. Here are just a few of my highlights: 

 You can check out the full list on Steam’s EGX Rezzed page. We’ve also set up a tag page to collect our coverage on how the PC gaming world is reacting to the current pandemic if you’d like to see more of it. 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.