The Crew launch trailer could be the last Ubisoft trailer of 2014

The Crew specs

The Crew is Ubisoft's last major release for 2014, which means the video below could feasibly be the last Ubisoft trailer this year. It's been a big year for Ubisoft trailers, with no corner of the internet safe from footage of assassins assassinating and elephants being weaponised. As you'll see below, The Crew is all about driving hotted up cars while avoiding cops and occasionally ramming your foes headlong into semi-trailers.

While Ubisoft stablemate Assassin's Creed: Unity had a less than successful launch, The Crew lead designer Serkan Hasan said last week that the MMO racer shouldn't face similar problems. "The launch of any online game these days has potential issues, but I hope that players will be encouraged by our open approach. If you had any doubts that we could pull this off, I hope that the betas proved our credentials and the game’s stability."

Check out the trailer below:

Shaun Prescott
Australian Editor

Shaun Prescott is the Australian editor of PC Gamer. With over ten years experience covering the games industry, his work has appeared on GamesRadar+, TechRadar, The Guardian, PLAY Magazine, the Sydney Morning Herald, and more. Specific interests include indie games, obscure Metroidvanias, speedrunning, experimental games and FPSs. He thinks Lulu by Metallica and Lou Reed is an all-time classic that will receive its due critical reappraisal one day.