Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac creator to release a bundle of his remastered early works

Edmund McMillen , the man behind Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac has announced the release date for The Basement Collection. A grab bag of his earlier projects, many of the titles have been polished up with new visuals, music, and even content in some cases. It'll release on August 31st for $4 on Steam.

The promo on McMillen's website lists the following games:

  • Time Fcuk (updated with new content + levels and achievements)
  • Aether (updated with new content, graphics make over, improved physics and achievements)
  • Spewer (updaed with new content, graphics make over, improved physics, new levels, new music track and achievements)
  • Grey Matter (added achievements)
  • Coil (added achievements)
  • Meat Boy(flash prototype) (no new content)
  • Triachnid (no new content)
  • Secret game (locked) (updated with new content, soundtrack, difficulty modes and achievements)

McMillen also boasts that "Every game will come with bonus content, ranging from development sketches to early playable prototypes and tech demos," and "will also feature four very large bonus unlockables that should make fans of my work quite happy." The Basement Collection will also come with a free soundtrack, including 10 fan-made remixes.


Len Hafer is a freelancer and lifelong PC gamer with a specialty in strategy, RPGs, horror, and survival games. A chance encounter with Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness changed her life forever. Today, her favorites include the grand strategy games from Paradox Interactive like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis, and thought-provoking, story-rich RPGs like Persona 5 and Disco Elysium. She also loves history, hiking in the mountains of Colorado, and heavy metal music.