Stories Untold dev will make Pekken, a pigeon fighting game, if it gets 10,000 retweets

Sometimes as a game developer you’ve just got to wing-it, stop trying to feather the nest for a while and let your imagination soar. That’s what Stories Untold dev NoCode has been up to lately, prototyping a fighting game called Pekken.

Specifically, Pekken is a 2D, PS1-era beat ‘em up that sees two pigeons beating each other into pâté. Presumably in a break from developing Observation, NoCode’s upcoming sci-fi thriller, McKellan showed off footage of Pekken on Twitter, stating, “Made a pigeon themed, PS1-styled fighter called Pekken this weekend. Thinking about Hatoful Boyfriend crossover opportunities.”

In the footage, we can see roughly-modelled pigeons called “Jackie Bird” and “Walter Peck” slapping each other about with their wings. Well, I say each other, Jackie Bird is clearly more advanced at avian assault, defeating Walter Peck without taking so much as a scratch. The prototype even features slow-motion K.O. and spectator pigeons watching in the background.

What’s more, McKellan has promised that if the video gets 10,000 retweets, then NoCode will make Pekken into a full game “after Observation drops”. Observation is due later this year, so it’s possible we could get beaks-on with Pekken as soon as 2020. Right now, it has just over 4500 retweets. Can we make this happen, internet? 

I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely up for some birb-based-battering, although hopefully the fighting roster will stretch beyond the common urban pigeon. I’ve always wanted to kick the shit out of a seagull (they’re nature’s thugs and you know it), and now I might finally get the chance without the minor inconvenience of being arrested.
