Spaceship RTS Falling Frontier looks like The Expanse in a very good way

Falling Frontier from Stutter Fox Studios is an upcoming space-based real-time strategy game with a semi-realistic space science fiction look. It's a look that's really familiar to people who love near-future sci-fi, like those fans of hit series The Expanse. Falling Frontier's civilian ships have utilitarian designs based around simple usability, while military ships have sleeker, armored designs based around positioning turrets and engines. 

Falling Frontier aims to be a classic RTS-style game, but to innovate on the genre by focusing on "logistical game play and physics based destruction in a large scale star system." It's set in a future star system on the edge of human expansion, where competing factions of humanity's descendants (presumably) fight each other for resources, supremacy, and political reasons. One selection screen shows off choices of Lineage, all large bodies in our own solar system and presumably the origin of your space colonists.

Early gameplay videos show off physics-based destruction and ship movement. There's a clear difference between military and civilian craft, though the civilian craft look essential for operations like refueling and rearming military ships. There are also orbital shipyards and habitats in the videos and screenshots.

Falling Frontier is expected to release in June 2021 and remain in Early Access for about 12 months. You can find Falling Frontier by Stutter Fox Studios on Steam. You can find a lot more Falling Frontier videos on the studio's YouTube channel

In-development image from space RTS Falling Frontier.

(Image credit: Stutter Fox Studios)

In-development image from space RTS Falling Frontier.

(Image credit: Stutter Fox Studios)

In-development image from space RTS Falling Frontier.

(Image credit: Stutter Fox Studios)

In-development image from space RTS Falling Frontier.

(Image credit: Stutter Fox Studios)

In-development image from space RTS Falling Frontier.

(Image credit: Stutter Fox Studios)

Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.