57 amazing space screenshots for your desktop
Incredible sights from EVE, Star Citizen, Mass Effect, and more.

It’s hard to picture space without getting a bit romantic and philosophical. Looking up at the stars is arguably humanity’s oldest form of entertainment. Space reminds us who we are, who we were, and who we’re trying to be. Space gives us distance and perspective from our pale blue dot, and it invites us to our most dangerous challenges.
A lot of our favorite games are set in space, and it’s no coincidence that many of those games are absurdly gorgeous. We want to look at beautiful space pictures all the time, so we rounded up the best shots on the web and brought them all to one place.
Some of these pictures have run on PC Gamer before, usually captured by screenshot maestro Andy Kelly in pixel-boosted 4K glory. We found others by crawling through subreddits and Steam community groups in search of awe-inspiring starships and nebulas. All of them are worthy of adorning your desktop.
Want 'em all? We've packaged the whole lot of hi-res images as a zip file.