Sons of the Forest cheats: How to spawn every item in the game
Turn on godmode, spawn every item and weapon, run fast, superjump, add extra followers, and more with Sons of the Forest console commands.

Looking for cheats in Sons of the Forest? Now that the scary survival game has left early access, you can use console commands to turn on godmode, spawn every item in the game, run and jump like a superhero, and even enlist an army of helpful Kelvins to follow you around.
And here's more good news: using Sons of the Forest console commands has gotten even easier, because you no longer need to install mods to do it.
Sons of the Forest: How to enable cheats
How to enable Sons of the Forest cheats
Sons of the Forest cheats: Spawn more Kelvins
Sons of the Forest shovel location: How to dig
Sons of the Forest keycard locations: Gain entry
Sons of the Forest rope gun location: Ziplines online
Sons of the Forest rebreather location: Dive deeper
To enable cheats in Sons of the Forest, just start a new game or load up one of your saved games.
Once you're playing, type the word 'cheatstick' to activate the console. It's just cheatstick with no quotes, and you don't need to type it into a chat pane or anything, just type it while you're in the game. Your character will probably kneel and open their pack due to the keys you're pressing, but that's fine.
Once you've done that, press F1 to bring up the console. You'll see codes all over your screen, but if you start typing you'll see the words in the top left corner.
Enter the command you want and press enter. Press F1 again to close the console. The console has autofill so if you type even part of a valid command you'll see it come up on the list.
Below you'll find a list of Sons of the Forest console commands (we'll be updating this list as we discover more). We haven't tested them all and aren't sure what many of them do yet, so be sure to back up your saved games if you're worried about corrupting your save file.
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Player cheats
Player cheats
Command | In-game effect |
godmode on | Turns on god mode |
godmode off | Turns off god mode |
buffstats | Refills hunger, thirst, stamina |
regenhealth | Refills health |
addallitems | Give yourself all items |
removeallitems | Removes most from inventory |
additem [item name] | Adds an item (ie: shovel, chainsaw) |
spawnworldobject x | Spawns item specified (ie: stick, rock) |
instantbookbuild on | Builds anything selected from book |
instantbookbuild off | Turns off instant build cheat |
showhud off | Turns HUD off |
showhud on | Turns HUD on |
superjump on | Lets you super jump |
superjump off | Turns off super jump |
speedyrun on | Lets you run faster |
speedyrun off | Turns off fast run |
cavelight on | Illuminates area around you |
cavelight off | Turns off illumination around you |
createlight | Adds a lightsource to the world |
settimeofday [1-24] | Changes the time of day |
settimeofday morning | Changes time to early morning |
settimeofday night | Changes time to night |
locktimeofday morning | Time remains morning |
forcerain heavy | Changes weather to rain |
forcerain sunny | Changes weather to sunny |
season summer | Changes season to summer |
season autumn | Changes season to autumn |
season winter | Changes season to winter |
season spring | Changes season to spring |
save | Saves your game |
NPC/Enemy cheats
NPC/enemy cheats
Command | In-game effect |
addcharacter robby 1 | Spawn an extra Kelvin |
addvirginia | Spawn an extra Virginia |
aigodmode on | Turns on god mode for companions |
aigodmode off | Turns off god mode for companions |
aighostplayer on | Enemies ignore you |
aighostplayer off | Enemies see you |
aipause | AI entities (including companions) freeze in place |
aidisable | AI entities (including companions) completely vanish |
aishowthoughts on | Display AI paths/thoughts |
killradius [number] | Kills everything within chosen range (ie, 10) |
Additional cheats
Other cheats
Here are the rest of the console commands you can use in the debug console mod, though we haven't tested most of them yet.
Some may require a number following them to work, others may require an on/off statement following them. Be careful when using them and remember to back up your saved games.
Complete cheat list |
addallbookpages |
addallitems |
addallstoryitems |
addcharacter |
additem |
additemswithtag |
addmemory |
addprefab |
addvirginia |
aiangerlevel |
aianimspeed |
aiarmorlevel |
aiarmortier |
aidisable |
aidodgetest |
aidummy |
aiforcestrafe |
aighostplayer |
aigodmode |
aijumpdebug |
aiknockdowndisable |
aimemoryadjust |
aipause |
aipoolstats |
airadar |
airunworldevent |
aishowanims |
aishowdebug |
aishowdebugcamera |
aishoweventmemory |
aishowhealth |
aishownavgraph |
aishowpaths |
aishowplayerinfluences |
aishowstats |
aishowsurvivalstats |
aishowthoughts |
aistatadjust |
aistructurelog |
aitestsleep |
aithought |
aithoughtnocooldown |
aivailstats |
aiverboselog |
aivillageclosest |
aiworldeventstats |
aiworldstats |
aizonestats |
allowasync |
ammohack |
animallimitmult |
animalsenabled |
animstatesgui |
anisoenabled |
Anisominmax |
applydefaultmaterials |
areashadow |
astar |
audio2dtest |
audiodebug |
audiodebugstates |
audiodescription |
audioparameter |
audioplayevent |
billboardenabled |
billboardignorechanges |
blockplayerfinaldeath |
breakobjects |
buffstats |
buildermode |
buildhack |
cameradiss |
camerafov |
capsulemode |
cavelight |
characterlods |
checkattachedentities |
checkexitmenu |
checkfrozenentities |
clear |
clearallsettings |
clearaudioparameters |
clearbushradius |
clearmidactionflag |
cloudenable cloudfactor |
cloudshadowsenable |
combatteststart |
count |
countgowithlayer |
countlinkedstructures |
counttag |
createlight |
creepyvillage |
damagedebug |
damagefreeformstructure |
deathcount |
debugplayerhitlog |
debugplayermelee |
demomode |
destroy |
destroyfreeformstructure |
destroyragdoll |
destroywildcard |
diagrenderers |
diggingclear |
disablecomponent |
disablegameobjecttester |
disablego |
disablegowildcard |
disablescene |
disconnectplayer |
disconnectplayers |
dismemberradius |
dumplobbyinfo |
duplicateobject |
dynamicresolutioncycletest |
dynamicresolutionoverride |
dynamicresolutiontarget |
enablecheats |
enablecollisionbasedkillbox |
enablecomponent |
enablego |
enablescene |
enablestructureghosts |
energyhack |
exportlinkedstructurestojson |
exposuresetspeed |
filteraudio |
findobjectswithshader |
firstlookforce |
follow |
followstop |
footstepdebug |
forcecloud |
forcecloudprofile |
forceplayerexpression |
forcerain |
forceremovetrees |
freecamera |
gainstrength |
gameoverdelaytime |
gamepaddeadzone |
gamepadxsensitivity |
gamepadysensitivity |
gccollect |
getgamemode |
getlayerculldistance |
godmode goto |
gotocoords |
gotoforce |
gototag |
gotozone |
grabsgeneratebuilt |
gravity |
greebledrockscollision |
heallocalplayer |
help |
hideworldposfor |
hitlocalplayer |
igniteradius |
importlinkedstructuresfromfile |
inspectgo |
instantbookbuild |
instantrespawnhere |
invertlook |
invisible |
joinsteamlobby |
jumptimeofday |
kickplayers |
killlocalplayer |
killradius |
knockdownlocalplayer |
lightninghittreechance |
lightninghittreemustbeinfrontplayer |
lightninginterval |
listactiveentities |
listdeathmarkers |
listgowithlayer |
listitems |
listitemswithtags |
listobjects |
loaddebugconsolemod |
loadmacros |
loadplayer |
loadscene |
loadscenesingle |
locktimeofday |
loddebugbillboards |
loddebugmaterials |
loddebugranges |
lodforce2ddistance |
lodforce3ddistance |
logging |
loghack |
logshowerrors |
logshowinfo |
logshownone |
logshowwarnings |
logtextures |
logvirtual |
mipmapstreaming |
mipmapstreamingbudget |
mipmapstreamingdiscard |
mousexsensitivity |
mouseysensitivity |
navgraphforceupdate |
netanimator |
netskinnedbones |
netspawnplayer |
openmacrosfolder outputsnappointstofile |
physicsupdatetime |
playcutscene |
playdeathcutscene |
playdeathmarker |
playdeathmarkerindex |
playeranimparams |
playerdebugcamera |
playerinterruptkeys |
playernetanimator |
playervisibility |
playgameover |
postprocessingcomponent |
profilersample |
profilersnapshot |
qualitytexture |
radiodebug |
refillcontainers |
refreshentities |
regenhealth |
removeallitems |
removeallstoryitems |
removedead |
removeitem |
removeliving |
removeshader |
renderspheres |
replaceshader |
Reporterrors |
reportlogsnow |
reportwarningsnow |
resetinputaxes |
resetsettings |
revivelocalplayer |
robbycarry |
robbyincutscenes |
rumbletest |
save |
saveplayer |
season |
sendmessageto |
setcurrentday |
setdifficultymode |
setexitedendgame |
setgamemode |
setgamesetupsetting |
setgametimespeed |
setinventorypercent |
setlayerculldistance |
setlookrotation |
setopeningcrash |
setplayerrace |
setproperty |
setsetting |
setspeakermode |
setstat |
setstrengthlevel |
settimeofday |
setwindintensity |
setworldobjectstaterange |
showactivelights |
showbutterfly info |
showcollisionobjectnames |
showdebugzones |
showfps |
showhud |
showinworldui |
showmeshmaterialnames |
showmeshobjectnames |
showmeshtrianglecounts |
showobjectlocation |
showprojectiletrails |
showstimuli |
showtriggercollision |
showui |
showworldobjects |
showworldposfor |
slapchop |
spawnedobjectstats |
spawnfallingtree |
spawnitem |
spawnpickup |
spawnrenderspheres |
spawnworldobject |
speedyrun |
sprinttoggle |
superjump |
survival |
targetframerate |
terrainparallax |
terrainpixelerror |
terrainrender |
terrainrendersimple |
terraintess |
terraintessdist |
testeventmask |
testingsamplefps |
timeofday |
timeofdayconnectiondebug |
timescale |
togglebeamdebug |
togglefiredebug |
togglefpsdisplay |
togglego |
togglegrabberdebug |
togglegrabsfacedebug |
toggleocclusionculling |
toggleoverlay |
toggleplayerstats |
togglestructureresistancedebug |
togglesuperstructurerooms |
togglevsync |
toggleworkscheduler |
trailer3 |
treecutsimulatebolt |
treefallcontactinfo |
treeocclusionbonus |
treeradius treescutall |
unloadscene |
unloadunusedassets |
unlockseason |
visualdebug |
Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own.