Skyrim super-realistic rainfall mod brings beautifully awful weather to Tamriel

As reported by Sam Horti over the weekend, this mod turns Skyrim into a tropical rainforest. PlayerTw0's wonderful Real Rain SE, on the other hand, turns the climate controls in the opposite direction—giving us realistic rainfall like never before. 

With the simple goal of making rain "as real as possible", Real Rain overhauls the game's rain textures to become more random and natural looking, "while making the rain denser without any FPS lag or bloated save files." 

Likewise, PlayerTw0 says they have tested the mod extensively to work with and without ENB settings—which in turn prevents the mod's downpour from being too bright at night, or too transparent during the day. 

First introduced to the original Skyrim a few years back, Real Rain SE brings the project to Skyrim Special Edition. Its latest update looks better than ever, which its creator says is best complimented with Climates Of Tamriel, True Storms and Dolomite Weathers

At present, PlayerTw0 is working to introduce custom rain styles, such as "tetrisrain" and bloodrain. 

More information on Real Real SE can be found on its Nexus Mods page. There, creator PlayerTw0 says it'll "make you run for cover and get a dovahbrella."

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show