Resident Evil 7 drops final pair of teaser trailers, reveals new demo date

The slew of Resident Evil 7 teaser trailers that've surfaced lately have covered everything from green herb application to yellow balloon puzzle solving, among a number of other scenarios. The latest pair appear to be the last of the subtle shorts—the ninth named 'Shadow' and tenth 'Aunt Rhody'—and a new demo is on its way. 

Firstly, like most of the teaser series up to now, Shadow doesn't give all too much away—depicting a zombie-like creature attacking the player in the dark. The protagonist fires a few seemingly futile gunshots at the foe, however this hardly slows its advances. See: 

The second trailer, though, looks far more intriguing. It depicts a wheelchair-bound Aunt Rhody whose jovial spirit goes against what we've seen of the Baker family so far. She pauses her song to give the player a good once over, before the video terminates revealing a new demo date. 

While the first demo was exclusive to PS4, here's hoping the next will find its way onto PC in "early December 2016" as per the above. Either way, Resident Evil 7 is heading our way on January 24, and here's your system requirements

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show