Resident Evil 4 HD Project mod has a release date

Did you watch the Resident Evil 2 remake debut trailer? It promises some fantastic and gruesome survival horror come January—even if its B-movie tone appears to have slipped somewhat in the process. It's a rare time for zombie hunters, I reckon, because the Resident Evil 4 HD Project mod now also has a launch date: July 13, 2018.  

Over four years in the making, the RE4 HD Project improves the original game's textures, lighting—its new dynamic lighting and shadows look particularly nice here—UI, character models, items and more. 

The sum of all of that is outlined in this trailer: 

In a typically thorough blog post, the mod's creators explain that while the full game will be nipped and tucked and ready for consumption come July, "this does not mean the project is complete." They add: "There are several things that remain, like enemies, NPCs [and] playable characters."

Here's a full rundown of what to expect from the Resident Evil 4 HD Project next month.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show