Project Cars, Tales of Zestiria and Little Nightmares feature in latest Humble Bundle

Similar its last partnering with Humble Bundle, Bandai Namco's latest collection of discounted games spans a number of genres—including racing, third-person shooters, platformers, and JRPGs. Live now, the Humble Bandai Namco Bundle 2 runs for the next 13 days. 

In Humble's familiar tiered reward style, this bundle's first 'pay what you want' level (which requires you pay $1+ to obtain a Steam key) includes Pac-Man 256, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West's Premium Edition. 

Jump to the 'beat the average' section—which, at the time of writing, stands at $8.52 (approximately £6.82)—and you'll also get third-person shoot 'em up Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, drive 'em up Project Cars, and fight 'em up Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst. 

Part with $15 (about £12.01) and you'll receive all of the above, as well as JRPG Tales of Zestiria and Project Cars' On Demand DLC which includes an impressive 12 slices of downloadable extras. If you're feeling extra flush, coughing up $35 (around £28.08) will also bag you a pre-order code for Tarsier Studios' incoming and lovely-looking platformer Little Nightmares (due April 28). 

As always, it's up to you how you split your money between the publisher, the organisers and charity—Extra Life and Save the Children being the designated organisations this time round. In the event you're tempted to vouch for the top tier but aren't too familiar with Little Nightmares, here's a look at its latest trailer

The Humble Bandai Namco Bundle 2 is live now through February 14.

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Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show