Phantom Halls lands on Early Access with Evil Dead 2 crossover

As we reported last month, Phatom Halls is a neat-looking, papercraft-fashioned survival horror game said to be inspired by both Worms and Spelunky. Boasting 12 different enemy types, ten playable characters and six different procedurally-generated haunted house environments, it's out now on Early Access and celebrates with the following launch trailer. 

Today also marks the 30th anniversary of Sam Raimi's '80s horror parody Evil Dead 2, and, in celebration of this shared birthday, Phantom Halls will include the film's chainsaw/shotgun-wielding protagonist Ash Williams who looks decidedly adorable in 3D papercraft style.  

Here's Ash as he appears in-game: 

And here's how Incendium describes its latest horror outing in its early accessible state: 

"This initial early access offering is a first look of what we hope to achieve with Phantom Halls, it's a fully playable procedurally generated horror-comedy game with a quirky cast of characters, memorable monsters, and quite the arsenal of weaponry to discover. 

"While we're launching with just a handful of quests, we plan to add dozens more to the game along with all new features and deeper mechanics to eventually curate lengthy campaigns and quest chains to develop character arcs and explore the in-game narrative more deeply for the full release. Those enjoying the early access offering will get to see the world of Phantom Halls expand and the story unfold as we continually update the game content and explore new features based on community feedback."

Phantom Halls is out now on Early Access and costs £5.99/$6.99.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show