PC Gamer US Podcast #347 - We Built This City on DRM

Join a would-be city council featuring Omri, Logan, T.J, and Chief Justice Evan as we take our frustrations with SimCity's servers to municipal court. Is there a fun game under all the disconnects and network errors? Plus, we're finally allowed to talk about the Arma 3 alpha! Which essentially means, the rest of us interrogate Evan about the Arma 3 alpha!

Zone your ears for gaming news and discussion, because this is PC Gamer Podcast 347 - We Built This City on DRM

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@logandecker (Logan Decker)

@ELahti (Evan Lahti)

@AsaTJ (T.J. Hafer, Substitute Belsaas for this episode)

@omripettite (Omri Petitte)

@belsaas (Erik Belsaas, podcast producer)


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