PC Gamer UK July issue - Shogun 2: Total War

Our improbably sexy new issue is now being flung at subscribers, stocked on store shelves, and fired at you with a cannon of free postage if you buy it from our online shop . The cover is a mega-exclusive: the announcement and first details of Shogun 2: Total War, the next in everyone's favourite wargame series.

As well as a six page preview of that, we've got a huge feature on Deus Ex: Human Revolution, formerly Deus Ex 3. Tom got to see it in action in Montreal, and interview all the key people involved with it to find out if they really get Deus Ex. Incredibly, they do, and the game is looking far more exciting than any of us expected.

We've also got a feature on how to be good at every game, a review of Obsidian's spy RPG Alpha Protocol, and a face-off between Medal of Honor and Call of Duty: Black Ops. Buy it immediately .


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