PC Gamer Podcast #367 - Holiday Hangover

First up: apologies that our podcast RSS feed isn't updating. We're legitimately upset that this continues to affect you, and we're doing everything in our Zeus-given power to amend the issue. Thanks for your patience. IF you missed them, here's podcast 366 and 365. This week, Cory, Evan, and Tyler chat about what they played over the break, including DayZ, Starbound, Assassin's Creed IV, CS:GO, and more.

Keep your arms and legs inside at all times during PC Gamer Podcast 367 - Holiday Hangover .

Have a question, comment, complaint, or observation? Send an MP3 to pcgamerpodcast@gmail.com or call us toll-free at 877-404-1337 x724.

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@ELahti (Evan Lahti)

@tyler_wilde (Tyler Wilde)

@demiurge (Cory Banks)


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