Next Hearthstone adventure to be announced on July 28

Earlier this week, it seemed Blizzard was gearing up to reveal its next Hearthstone adventure by way of some typically Blizzard-like cryptic teasing. Now, while not quite set in stone just yet, a Twitch stream invite sent to us via email heavily hints that the digital card game’s latest add-on will be announced next week. Here’s the invite in full:

The announcement for the announcement suggests all will be revealed on Thursday, July 28 at 11pm PT (7am BST) in an event that has an “unforgettable adventure planned”. This date aligns with ChinaJoy, a popular gaming convention in Shanghai that kicks off on the 28th, and would therefore explain the unusual start time. 

Last week, a shortlist surfaced online that suggested the next adventure will be based on a World of Warcraft raid, listing Ulduar, Terrace of Endless Spring, Highmaul and Karazhan as possible locations. Our money’s on the latter, for a number of reasons that Tim explains over here. It's also worth checking out YouTuber Disguised Toast's video which goes to some length to prove the Karazhan link.    

We'll find out for sure next week. Meanwhile, in other Hearthstone news, it seems the digital card game may now have a PTR

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show