Metal Gear Survive adds Silent Hill 2's Pyramid Head in limited-time event

In August, Samuel pondered six ways Metal Gear can have a future after Survive. Adding Silent Hill 2's Pyramid Head antagonist to Survive itself was, unsurprisingly, not one of his suggestions. But that's exactly what's happening now.

Ahead of Halloween, The Researcher's Story is a special event that's set to run from tomorrow through November 6. Successful completion offers players Battle Points by way of  "digging the base camp, and unlocking items and gears." Within this haul comes a Survive-styled take on James Sutherland's nemesis. It looks like this:

Moreover, The Researcher's Story introduces a host of new in-game Cassette Tapes and Recipes—the full list of which can be perused here

In his 59-scored review, Andy said Metal Gear Survive has "flickers of brilliance, but the painfully slow and gruelling survival simulation routinely snuffs them out". Check out his full analysis this-a-way

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show