Learn PC building tips from the pros at the PC Gamer Weekender

Asus Maximus VIII Extreme - Black Caps + Mosfets

There's already so much to do at this year's PC Gamer Weekender event in London, but we can't forget what exactly it is that unites us all under that PC Gamer banner, and that's the hardware. The big rigs and powerful machine that drive all of our gaming experiences.

Ever wanted to try your hand at building your own gaming PC from scratch? Learn from some of the best in the business on how to make your rig truly shine. Basic PC building, case modding, overclocking we'll cover it all at Asus's PC building workshops.

Come along and find out exactly what you should be buying to get the most out of your hard earned cash. Have a question about processors? How much RAM do you really need? What's the best bang for your buck 1080p graphics card out there at the moment? Listen to our ragged band of PC experts, from YouTubers such as Tom Logan of OC3D, ex-tech journalist and Asus's own Gareth Ogden, and PC Gamer's hardware savvy motherboard loving guru Zak Storey.

Sound boring? How about a quick hands on session learning how to build your own rig at one of our dedicated build stations instead.

Do your skills lie a little deeper than that? Are you a little more tech savvy than the average beginner? Well then jump into our overclocking competition instead and take us on to see who can achieve the truly best overclock in under one hour.

You can book tickets here, and don't forget to use the code PCG20 to knock 20% off the ticket price.


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.