It's psychics versus monsters in action RPG Scarlet Nexus, coming in June

Bandai Namco has finally dropped a release date for action RPG Scarlet Nexus, arriving on Steam  June 24th, 2021. First announced a while back, Scarlet Nexus didn't have that much detail around it until recently, and it's actually looking pretty intriguing. Players will experience the story from one of two perspectives, psychics Yuito or Kasane, who are fighting terrifying psychic monsters known as Others who "descend from the sky with a hunger for human brains."

The design of the monsters is weird and compelling, as the Others' forms are amalgamations of different objects and human parts. One's got a valve wheel for a face and a tree head. Another's got a big arm made out of smaller arms. The combo-driven combat is about psychokinetic powers: Lifting, breaking, and throwing pieces of the environment around to crush monsters. There are also companion characters with a variety of powers, like Kyoka who has the ability to make duplicates of herself.

Scarlet Nexus will also have an official Anime adaptation, and there's a teaser trailer for that!

You can find Scarlet Nexus on Steam or on Bandai Namco's official Scarlet Nexus website.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.