We're giving away $2500 in Infinite Crisis character packs


Infinite Crisis traded its beta costume for a more official one last week. We're still working on our review of Turbine's DC-themed MOBA, but in the meantime we've got a bunch of character packs to giveaway if you've already jumped in.

Up for grabs are 45 Starter Packs and 5 Elite Packs, the latter of which includes every character currently in the game. Our giveaway will run until Thursday, April 2 at 3 PM Pacific. At that time, our system will automatically pick 50 winners and email them with keys. To enter, drop your email into the embedded form below.

WINNERS - How to redeem your key:

  1. If you do not already have an account, go to www.infinitecrisis.com to create an account and download the game.
  2. Log into Infinite Crisis
  3. Click on Shop
  4. Click on Redeem Code
  5. Enter your code and click Redeem
  6. Once your code is validated, the contents will be immediately available on your account.


The Starter Pack includes 8 Champions suitable for all play-styles. Over $35 of value!


  • Superman
  • Flash
  • Catwoman
  • Aquaman
  • Poison Ivy
  • Stargirl
  • Atomic Green Lantern
  • Mecha Wonder Woman


The Elite Pack includes all 33 currently purchasable champions. Whether you are new to MOBAs, or a long-time veteran, there's something for everyone's play-style. Plus, you can earn seven additional champions for free through playing the tutorials and regular log-ins. Over $170 of value!

Champions by class:

Bruisers get into the thick of fights, trying to destroy their targets at close range.

  • Superman
  • Aquaman
  • Robin
  • Supergirl
  • Hawkgirl
  • Katana
  • Nightmare Batman

Enforcers are the first into a battle, and try to soak up as much damage as possible.

  • Shazam
  • Swamp Thing
  • Atrocitus
  • Atomic Green Lantern
  • Atomic Poison Ivy
  • Arcane Green Lantern
  • Gaslight Joker
  • Mecha Superman

Blasters have strong Powers, often unleashing bursts of punishment on enemies.

  • Sinestro
  • Stargirl
  • Catwoman
  • Star Sapphire
  • Arcane Supergirl

Marksmen make frequent use of a strong basic attack to devastate with unrelenting damage.

  • Green Arrow
  • Cyborg
  • Blue Beetle
  • Atomic Joker
  • Mecha Wonder Woman

Assassins work best when jumping in, doing max damage up front, and getting out!

  • Flash
  • Atomic Wonder Woman
  • Nightmare Robin
  • Gaslight Catwoman

Controllers aid their teammates by controlling the flow of battles and the movements of enemies.

  • Poison Ivy
  • Zatanna
  • Starro
  • Nightmare Superman

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