In Bear and Breakfast you run a bed and breakfast, but you're a bear

Bear and Breakfast is a charming-looking new management game, town life sim, and adventure where you're a bear that runs a bed & breakfast in the remote woods. Starting with a run-down abandoned shack, Hank (the bear) and his friends (also animals, I guess) turn it into a bed and breakfast to make some cash. The developers describe it as a "laid-back management adventure game," and I expect it'll be one for those of y'all who like the Stardew Valleys and such.

The trailer for Bear and Breakfast is frankly adorable, with a monotone narrator giving a travel spiel about the deep woodsy life. There are some nice scenes of a bear wandering about the woods, fixing up a B&B, and a few shots of some thoroughly cute woodland creatures. The goal is to build and personalize your inn, then attract customers to visit in order to build up your reputation and income. At the same time, you'll also explore the forest to meet new friends, find new items, and—stop me if you've heard this one— "uncover a world rich in lore, side quests, characters, and secrets."

You can find Bear and Breakfast on Steam, where it will release "soon," and there's also an official website. The game looks adorable and I'm excited to try it, though I'll be honest with you, I'm kind of cagey about that genre name. A "laid-back management adventure" sounds like whatever your boss is off doing when he takes a two hour lunch. 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.