HMV GamesMaster Golden Joystick Awards 2012 breaks voting record

Well done, diligent gaming public. Together we successfully broke the world record for the largest number of votes cast in a gaming award - with over four million players checking in to vouch for their favourite games of the last year.

But which games have scooped the gongs? Will it be Skyrim or Arkham City? Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3? You can find out which comes out victorious on Friday 26th October 3pm BST - either by tuning into the first ever livestream of the Golden Joystick Awards right here in this news story, or over on the website.

Tune in then for what promises to be a rather excellent show - it's the Joysticks' 30th birthday after all. Fittingly there'll be world exclusive reveals from the likes of Square Enix and THQ, plus a very special mystery appearance. Intriguing! Hammer that play button below at 3pm this Friday to find out who.


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