Here's when Dawn of War 3 unlocks on PC

We've had the launch trailer, the review in progress, and the real life incarnation of the Space Marines' Power Fist—among a number of other footage, hands-on impressions and developer-led presentations. But when can we get our mitts on Sega and Relic's incoming Warhammer-inspired RTS Dawn of War 3?

Today, actually—but when exactly? According to this Steam community update, you'll be able to storm the lost planet Acheron's battlegrounds come 3pm BST/7am PST and everything else in between. With that in mind, the devs also posted this:

After a cursory glance at the comments of that post, a few Steam users reckon there's discrepancies with a few of those timeslots. It's perhaps best to check-in with the DoW 3 store page itself, then. 

While our previous Dawn of War 3 coverage is (obviously) top notch, the good folks at Gamespot UK pulled the following making-of-type documentary together which is well worth watching. It's named 'The Story of Dawn of War III: A New Dawn':

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show