Here's a new overview trailer for Elden Ring

Prepare to face the monsters of the Lands Between as Elden Ring's launch grows nearer,  and also to make friends with a little rat wearing a hat and a big man that's also a pot. From Software has released a new trailer for the highly-anticipated Action RPG, showing off the full range of what's coming when it releases on February 25th.

"The expansive world of the Lands Between abound with danger, intrigue, and mythological drama," says the voiceover, "Begin your adventure, and reveal its secrets for yourself."

The full trailer takes pains to point out all kinds of new stuff going on in Elden Ring, lest you forget that it's a pretty big departure from From Software's souls series. It has an open world with integrated dungeons beneath it, for example. You can summon spirit allies to fight with you. You can stealth past difficult fights. You can guard-counter to attack immediately after blocking.

You can, radically, jump. Ride a horse. Have a world map.

Elden Ring is coming in just a few days. You can find out more on our hub of Elden Ring news and the page listing everything we know about Elden Ring.

Elden Ring guide: Elden Ring bosses: Elden Ring dungeons: Elden Ring paintings: Elden Ring map fragments:Elden Ring co-op:

Elden Ring guideConquer the Lands Between
Elden Ring bossesHow to beat them
Elden Ring dungeonsHow to defeat them
Elden Ring paintingsSolutions and locations
Elden Ring map fragments: Reveal the world
Elden Ring co-op: How to squad up online


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.