Hearthstone official Chinese site leaks next expansion theme

As Tom reported last week, Hearthstone's next expansion will be officially revealed today, July 6 at 7pm PST/tomorrow, July 7 at 3am BST, and everything else in between. Fans have been busy touted Lich King-related rumours since—which the official Chinese Hearthstone website appeared to underscore earlier today via a short-lived leak. 

A string of assets has since been pulled from its website, however it did showcase the card 'em up's nine heroes with accompanying text that (when loosely translated) reads: "Knights of the Frozen Throne." 

As picked up by Reddit, here's that:

Frozen Throne is of course synonymous with the Warcraft universe and was central to the WoW's Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Given the balancing implications adding a new class to Hearthstone would have on the game overall, it's unlikely Death Knight will be added wholesale, however single-player missions that feature Death Knight may not be out of the question. 

In any event, our Tim has boots on the ground in China—stay tuned for more as we get it. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show