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Watch the AMD RX 9000-series livestream with us here: Finally, some new AMD graphics cards to get nerdy with

Watch along with me as we get our first proper look at AMD's next-generation RDNA 4 GPUs.

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It's been a long time coming, but this announcement is the one many of us have been waiting for: AMD's RX 9000-series graphics cards are due to be revealed at 8am EST (5am PST, 1pm GMT) today.

I'll be watching along with the rest of you and keeping this blog updated with my thoughts, analysis, and probably some random things that spring to mind as the reveal unfolds.

I'm expecting to see the long-awaited RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT make their debut with some cold hard numbers to chew on, along with some tasty updates on FSR 4, too. Still, these announcements can often go a bit sideways at the last minute, so who knows what might be revealed? AMD announces plans to go to the moon? It could happen, folks.

Nah, I reckon we're just going to see some shiny new GPUs and some upscaling gear, with hopefully some pricing, too. Which is more than enough for me, after months of speculation. So break out the popcorn and join me, because I think this is going to get interesting.

AMD GPU announcement live blog


Well, it's been fun folks. I'll start to wind down this blog now in the aftermath, but there'll still be the odd post or two to keep you entertained. After all, that's what you came for right? My incisive commentary and irascible wit? Please say yes.

Again, if you'd like a deeper dive on exactly what makes the RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT tick, I've written a mega-breakdown of everything we've been given so far.

That flew by, didn't it? I rather like the strategy here - no long-winded flexing, just a tight hardcore hit of specs, the odd demo, and a pricing reveal that really was surprising.

And just like that, it was over. March 6 release, "wide availability," RX 9070 for $549 and RX 9070 XT for $599.

I'm bowled over by the pricing. I would have had good money on $699 for the XT, but here we are.

Crimson Desert! I am genuinely hyped for this game. The trailers look stunning.

Please be good, FSR 4. Please. I'm fed up with FSR 3's quirks, although once again it's important to point out you'll need one of the new 9000-series cards to take advantage of the new version's machine learning chops.

Oh hello pricing!

RX 9070 - $549

RX 9070 XT - $599

That's... okay, I'm genuinely impressed.

A bit of visible ghosting in the Toyshop demo, although YT compression doesn't help...

New Toyshop? AMD, you are spoiling us.

Ray tracing performance was such a sticking point for RDNA 3. Fingers crossed the updated RDNA 4 RT hardware delivers meaningful performance gains. AMD says double ray throughput. We shall see.

Efficiency is going to be the word of the day here. Those updated CU cores look like they might be impressive, pound for pound.

It's happening and the music is LOUD.

Mere minutes now. Strap in, folks.

The YouTube chat is nothing but pricing speculation and rolling arguments. Who could have predicted.

Oooh, we get a much larger timer now. A mere 12 minutes or so to go. Time for that last comfort break...

You'll be pleased to know I have fixed the liveblog entries going backwards through time. I'm a very good and professional hardware writer that definitely didn't screw up a basic setting. Aren't you glad we're here together?

"...delivering breakthrough performance to every battle, mission, and victory empowering you to make every play count" says AMD in the stream description. Indeed.

Fourth coffee... why am I like this.

FWIW, the Chinese pricing looks to translate to $599 for the RX 9070 XT and $549 for the RX 9070. I'll be very, very surprised if that ends up being the actual US MSRP for these cards, but hey, you never know.

Anyone got any guesses on pricing? Winner gets... my admiration and respect. What, it's worth something to me at least.

I'm on my third cup of coffee already. This was perhaps a mistake.

The announcement itself gets underway at 8am EST. You're early, and I like that about you.

Hello! Welcome to our live coverage of AMD's RX 9000-series GPU announcement. My name is Andy, and I'll be your flight attendant for today. There are no complimentary snacks. My bad.