GTA Online adds Trap Door mode with double GTA$ and experience

GTA Online's latest weekly update heads skyward with a new Adversary Mode. Billed as the "latest blood sport to sweep Los Santos", Trap Door pits teams against one another on a floating, ever-shrinking platform. For the next seven days, it offers double RP and GTA$. 

I dived in earlier to see what the new undertaking is all about. In colour-coded teams, killing foes sends them to the Red Zone—glowing sections of the map which disappear against a timer. Landing in the drink below marks instant death, so these regions are naturally best avoided. Yes, I speak from experience. 

Here's Trap Door in motion, courtesy GTA Series Videos.

'Fewer but better Adversary Modes' was a subheading in our what we want from GTA 6 (and the next version of GTA Online) feature earlier this year—which is something I became very aware of while scrolling past umpteen matchups I'd completely forgotten about in locating this one. Nevertheless, I had fun in Trap Door although do wonder how much this was influenced by its double money and experience bounty.      

It could also do with some tuning. During one round, I was killed by an enemy before respawning in the Red Zone with one second left on the clock. The first kill was just—hats off to my purple team pursuer—but the second was cheap, given I'd no way of escaping the drop with such little time left to move. Perhaps that's part of the game, but it felt like my team suffered for something I ultimately couldn't control. 

Anyway, I reckon Trap Door is worth swinging by this week should you fancy something new, while earning a little extra cash and RP on the side. More information on all of the above can be found on the Rockstar Newswire, which includes details on this week's discounts—such as the Mammoth Hydra at 40 percent off. Biker Business and Smuggler's Run Sell Missions are also subject to double GTA$ and experience for the next seven days.

Oh, and I've received my free money. Look out for yours between now and May 21. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show