Gorgeous sci-fi platformer Planet Alpha release date set

Planet Alpha began life in 2013 as a side project of then IO Interactive person Adrian Lazar. It popped its head above the parapet earlier this year—under the collective banner of Planet Alpha ApS Game Studio and Team17—and it's now got a release date: September 4, 2018. With its interchangeable environments, hulking robot baddies, and vibrant and varied landscapes, I think it looks gorgeous. 

But don't trust me, trust this trailer:

Aptly named 'Survival', the above depicts the plight of the hapless player who can "rotate and control" the alien planet they've wound up stranded on. Through its puzzles, stealth, platforming, and, clearly, survival mechanics I'm getting Inside, Limbo and even Earthworm Jim vibes from the above.

"Planet Alpha is the work of passion of a small but very ambitious team. We are building something special and we’re putting everything we have into it," said Lazar earlier this year. "Developing the game for over four years has been a roller coaster, so when we looked for a publisher we were very selective. 

"I am thrilled to have found in Team17 a partner who can offer us the resources that we need to bring this game to the players, but more importantly I'm excited to have a partner that truly believes in Planet Alpha as much as we do. I cannot wait to share our creation with the world." 

More information on all of that lives on Planet Alpha's website and Steam page. Here's another look at its announcement trailer:

Planet Alpha is due September 4, 2018. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show