's huge $20 Good Bundle adds 20 more games and extends the deadline [Updated]

Update: The Good Bundle just got better with the addition of more than 20 games and pieces of content, including Among the Sleep and the soundtracks to Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, and Desktop Dungeons. Steam keys from developers who have opted to provide them will also be made available, and the deadline has been extended as well, to 12 pm PT on December 1. 

Original story:

'Tis the season to save money. With many-a-Black Friday sales already underway,'s A Good Bundle offers a stonking 151 indie games for $20 with 100 percent of proceeds being split between the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood charities. 

Similar to the likes of Humble Bundle's multi-tier format, spending $2 or more nets you 89 games; $8 or more gets you a load more while saving $114; and $20 or more nabs you the entire bundle, saving $451 in the process. 

It's worth noting that some games are otherwise free, and that the quality of some may not be as good as others—but for that price, not to mention the fact your money is going to exclusively to charity, this seems like a pretty good deal. 

"This is A Good Bundle," reads the bundle's description. "A bunch of creators are sharing their works to combat some of the ugliness in our world."

Particular highlights for me include the aforementioned Gone Home and Proteus, Read Only Memories, The Novelist and Raik. Have a gander at the list yourself and share your own favourites in the comments below. 

A Good Bundle is live on now until November 29.  

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show