Monster Hunter Wilds reveals a horrifying spider and an electric apex predator in its Gamescom trailer

Monster Hunter Wilds: 3rd Trailer | Lala Barina & Scarlet Forest Reveal - YouTube Monster Hunter Wilds: 3rd Trailer | Lala Barina & Scarlet Forest Reveal - YouTube
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Today at Gamescom's Opening Night Live, Capcom brought a new trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds, showing off new monsters, the latest hub area, and the return of well-done steaks.

The trailer begins with hunters discovering a strange flower in the new Scarlet Forest region, leading them to the lair of the Lala Barina—a new temnoceran monster. Pouncing down on the hunters from an overhead web of crimson threads, the Lala Barina is like a massive, vampiric wooly spider. Its front legs are split into trios of raking claws, and it can extend a thorn-like stinger from its rear. When enraged, the Lala Barina's abdomen blooms into a flower-like formation, from which it can scatter paralytic blossoms. Seems like a nightmare; can't wait to fight it myself.

From there, we get our first look at the hub area in Wilds that we'll be returning to between hunts. It's an "interim camp" built around a desert village, shielded from the sun by massive spans of overhanging canvas. I'm pleased to report that there's a kitchen where felyne cooks are preparing food, and I truly cannot wait to see what their cooking cutscene looks like.

As a desert storm descends, we're given our proper introduction to Rey Dau, a lightning-charged flying wyvern that seems to generate the ravaging desert storms we've seen in Wilds previews up to now. Called the region's apex predator, Rey Dau attacks with sweeping strikes of its wings, tail, and bull-like horns, creating lightning strikes where its hits connect. It can also snap the horns surrounding its face together, triggering an explosive lightning blast so intense that it turns the desert sand into glass.

After a montage of hunters battling the collection of new monsters alongside their palico comrades, the trailer closes with a ritual familiar to any seasoned monster hunter: the grilling of a well-done steak, raised triumphantly over the hunter's head. So tasty, indeed.

For more Monster Hunter at Gamescom, Capcom will be Monster Hunter hosting developer livestreams throughout the week. Featuring "live Wilds gameplay, community questions and more," the streams will air at 4 AM PT on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday on Twitch.

Monster Hunter Wilds will release in 2025.

Lincoln Carpenter
News Writer

Lincoln spent his formative years in World of Warcraft, and hopes to someday recover from the experience. Having earned a Creative Writing degree by convincing professors to accept his papers about Dwarf Fortress, he leverages that expertise in his most important work: judging a videogame’s lore purely by its proper nouns. Lincoln's previously written for sites like Waypoint, Polygon, and Fanbyte, and spent three years freelancing for PC Gamer before joining on as News Writer in 2024. He's a sicko for games that act as storytelling toolkits, whether we’re shaping those stories for ourselves or sharing them with others, and will take any opportunity to gush about Monster Hunter.