The last thing I expected this cute racoon mailman game to be about was sick BMX tricks

TANUKI: Pon's Summer — Reveal Trailer - YouTube TANUKI: Pon's Summer — Reveal Trailer - YouTube
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Watching an adorable Studio Ghibli-style raccoon throw on his mailman cap during the Tokyo Games Show, I was not expecting his next move to be whipping out a BMX and pulling off some sick tricks. That's exactly what Denkiworks' Tanuki: Pon's Summer gave me though, and you know what? I'm here for it.

Denkiworks says the game is "a love letter to Japan," with its world inspired by the time the developers spent in places like Kyoto, Aomori, Sapporo and Beppu. The trailer has already reeled me in with its warm, painterly charm and two-wheeled jumpscares. Our adorable raccoon postman can be seen grinding rails, spinning, flipping, and performing all manner of terrifying moves while still somehow managing to keep his parcels delicately stacked up front. 

It doesn't look like delivering mail is the only thing I can get up to with my furry friend, either. I spied some extracurricular activities like baseball and fishing during the trailer, along with rushing around a restaurant delivering dishes. There's even a whole freakin' shrine to build and decorate with all the money you earn running all of your various errands. How a little trash panda has all this time on his hands is a question I hope I get the answer to, because I'm pretty sure I'd be in bed taking a well-deserved nap after a day of delivering everyone's post.

I'm enjoying the whole reverse Animal Crossing-ness of it—being a wee animal in a village full of humans rather than the other way around—and I'm always a sucker for something that's all cosy and warm. There's no release date yet, but I'm already eagerly anticipating the day I can grind down stair rails and bunny hop my way between homes. 

Mollie Taylor
Features Producer

Mollie spent her early childhood deeply invested in games like Killer Instinct, Toontown and Audition Online, which continue to form the pillars of her personality today. She joined PC Gamer in 2020 as a news writer and now lends her expertise to write a wealth of features, guides and reviews with a dash of chaos. She can often be found causing mischief in Final Fantasy 14, using those experiences to write neat things about her favourite MMO. When she's not staring at her bunny girl she can be found sweating out rhythm games, pretending to be good at fighting games or spending far too much money at her local arcade.