How to add pictures to the photo journal in Infinity Nikki

Nikki looks into the sun while sitting on a wooden bench swing
(Image credit: Infold Games)

One of the many collection tasks in Infinity Nikki is its photo journal, also called "expeditions." After getting Momo's camera and snapping a few photos, you'll get a message in the Friends app of your Pear-Pal from the LuminaLens Touring Photographers introducing you to the expeditions menu.

By photographing landmarks in the journal, Nikki will get materials to upgrade her camera with new lighting settings, poses, and other features. But it's very easy to accidentally not get credit for all the pics you've taken. Here's how to make sure you're always logging your photo journal progress and how to check in on which photos you still need to take.

How to get credit for photo journal pictures

To get credit for a photo journal stop you need to press the "upload" button after taking your photo. You might assume the upload button is related to social media or some other function but nope, it's a required step to get that photo journal credit. You'll know you've done it right when the photo journal opens and adds your picture to the page.

To take a photo journal picture:

  • Pose Nikki near the landmark you want to capture
  • Press P to open Momo's camera
  • Move your view until you see the name of the landmark displayed near the center of the screen with a glowing gold frame around it
  • Take a photo by pressing Space or the shutter button on screen
  • Press "upload" to add the photo to the journal

When you're near a photo journal spot out in the world, you might notice that its name pops up in the quest tracker on the left side of your screen. The one I saw most often early while playing was "Ray and Wing's" while walking past the store in Florawish.

If you want to be more methodical about your photo journal completion though, you can also check in on which spots you need at any time:

To check which landmark photo stops you're missing in the expeditions menu:

  • Press P to open Momo's camera
  • Press C to open the "expeditions" book
  • Scroll through the pages of the book and click on unknown images to see them up close

When looking at your photo journal, each location will only be labeled with question marks, so you'll need to click on them to look closer and see if you can tell where in the world to find them. Otherwise, you're stuck to just snapping pictures as they pop up in your quest tracker.

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Lauren Morton
Associate Editor

Lauren has been writing for PC Gamer since she went hunting for the cryptid Dark Souls fashion police in 2017. She accepted her role as Associate Editor in 2021, now serving as self-appointed chief cozy games and farmlife sim enjoyer. Her career originally began in game development and she remains fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long fantasy books, longer RPGs, can't stop playing co-op survival crafting games, and has spent a number of hours she refuses to count building houses in The Sims games for over 20 years.