Best starter Light Bowgun builds in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds Light Bowgun
(Image credit: Capcom)

If you're a modern day Sundance Kid and shoot better when you move, the Light Bowgun is the Monster Hunter weapon for you. Of the game's three ranged weapons, this is the one that encourages (even demands!) you stay light on your feet, attacking monsters from a sweet spot that deals extra damage based on your ammo. Whereas the Heavy Bowgun encourages defense, effectively turning you into a slow-moving turret, the Light Bowgun has a unique set of mobility mechanics that will let you reload and move more quickly, weaving in dodges and attacks. The best Light Bowgun builds in Monster Hunter Wilds take advantage of those abilities to keep you pumping out damage.

While you can certainly take either bowgun into a hunt solo, they really shine in a multiplayer support role while other members of the hunt keep the monster's attention. The Light Bowgun's mobility does mean that once you've learned its moves, though, you can smoothly dodge that Rathalos charge while reloading at the same time, and that feels pretty dang cool.

The Light Bowgun is one of Monster Hunter Wilds' more intimidating weapons to learn, though, with customization options, a long list of ammo types, and two different firing modes to wrap your head around before you even start drilling your combos. Here's a crash course in how to use it, followed by the Light Bowgun builds that'll carry you through Low Rank.

Looking for more hunting tips? Check out our Monster Hunter Wilds guide hub for all the G-Rank advice we've crafted so far.

How to play Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds

The Light Bowgun will require an adjustment period if you've only used melee weapons up to this point. Before you do anything else, open your equipment screen and learn what ammos your Light Bowgun is compatible with and set them to "auto craft" in the Crafting menu. Here's the playbook.

  1. Fill up your ammo pouch: Bowguns call for an extra step before each hunt. Step into your tent and hit "restock" on your ammo pouch. If you're running empty on your best elemental ammos, you'll want to do a bit of gathering on the map before confronting the monster.
  2. Research the monster: Having so many ammo options means it's worth consulting the Monster Field Guide to see what elements or damage types your target is weakest to.
  3. Swap ammo: Hold LB and press up/down on the dpad to switch ammo types at any time, even while the gun is sheathed.
  4. Point and shoot: Hold LT to aim and RT to fire.
  5. Watch that reticle: The Light Bowgun has a finicky maximum range. You won't be dealing full damage unless your reticle is orange with a red center like this:

(Image credit: Capcom)

That covers the basics, but the Light Bowgun in Wilds has a lot more to it than "point and shoot." Capcom has bestowed some new acrobatics on the leaner firearm and an intimidating Rapid Fire mode that makes basic (and sometimes special) ammo way more lethal. Here's what to know once you're comfortable with everything above:

  • Rapid Fire: All Light Bowguns now have a Rapid Fire mode activated by pressing B. In Rapid Fire, certain ammo types fire extra shots per trigger pull, so Normal Ammo's 3-shot burst becomes a 5-shot burst at Level 1.
  • Normal, Spread, and Pierce Ammo are infinite: All Light Bowguns now have access to these three basic ammo types and their ammo is always infinite. You cannot craft better versions of these ammos; their power level is now determined by the bowgun itself or attached mods.
  • Focus Blast: Hold LT and press RB to fire a Focus Blast: Eagle Shot, an arched grenade that can destroy monster wounds for big damage. You can bank three Focus Blasts on a cooldown, and the attack can be charged for extra damage.
  • Burst Step: While in Rapid Fire mode, press LT+RT+A and move in a direction to perform a Burst Step, sidestepping in the direction of movement while simultaneously firing off a burst. This is great for keeping up constant damage while repositioning away from an incoming blow.
  • Step Reload: While in Rapid Fire mode, the same input for Burst Step (LT+RT+A) while your magazine is empty will perform a flashy sidestep reload that's significantly faster than a manual reload. Once you learn this timing, you'll barely have to stop firing.
  • Special Ammo: The Light Bowgun supports two special ammos fired with Y+B. Wyvernblast is a mine that explodes for AoE damage when it's attacked, so plant it near the monster and unload with Rapid Fire. The second is Wyvern Sticky Ammo, a sticky shot that attaches to the monster and procs extra damage when that spot receives subsequent hits (very useful for pierce ammo and multiplayer hunts).
  • Rapid Fire Pierce Ammo: Rapid Fire does not affect all ammos equally, and Pierce Ammo seems to benefit more than most. With Level 3 Pierce Ammo, Rapid Fire tripled my number of hits per trigger pull, easily outperforming all the other ammos I tested in Low Rank. Suffice to say: Pierce Ammo is very good with Light Bowguns in Wilds and should be a priority if max damage is your aim (and we have weapon recommendations in the builds below to help).
  • Armor, Demon, Recovery Ammo: These support ammo types now create clouds that linger wherever you fire them, allowing you and your whole squad to pass through them to get a quick boost or heal.
  • Mods: This is where the "Customize Bowgun" option on every equipment screen comes in. Mods in Low Rank aren't a huge deal, but they let you extend the magazine of your favorite ammo type and switch which special Wyvern ammo you're using without having to craft a whole new bowgun.

Best Light Bowgun build for low rank

(Image credit: Capcom)
Swipe to scroll horizontally
Build progression







Chain Blitz I

Leather Headgear

Leather Vest

Quematrice Braces

Leather Belt

Leather Pants

Chain Blitz II

Ingot Helm

Kranodath Mail

Balahara Vambraces

Balahara Coil

Balahara Greaves

Rey Szelatya II

G. Ebony Helm

G. Ebony Mail

G. Ebony Braces

G. Ebony Coil


Low Rank armor isn't the most exciting for bowgun users, but the truth is once you dial in your ideal attack range you're not going to need too much help dropping consistent damage with the power of the elements at your disposal. These builds will help keep you stocked up on ammo in the early game before upping your mobility mid-campaign, and then finally your damage towards the end of Low Rank.

Monster Hunter Wilds Light Bowgun builds

  • First weapon: Chain Blitz I

Honestly, most Light Bowgun users keep a trunkful of different bowguns around that cover every possible damage type in the game, but since we have to start somewhere, go with the straightforward Chain Blitz bowgun on the Ore tree. It specializes in Pierce Ammo, which as we've covered absolutely rules with Rapid Fire engaged, and it has Level 1 Tetrad Shot, which makes every fourth and sixth shot deal extra damage. You'll want to mod this one with an extended Pierce magazine to get the most of Tetrad.

  • First armor set: Leather Headgear, Vest, Belt and Pants, Quematrice Braces

While your three basic ammo types are unlimited, none of your elemental ammo types are, and that means the Botanist skill from the Leather set will come in very handy early on as you snatch up every herb, bug and mushroom you lay eyes on. You'll want a healthy supply of crafting resources to keep stocked on ammo and potions, and maxed Botanist will give you an extra item each time you harvest. Once you fight Quematrice early in the campaign, turn it into a hat—one tier of the Flinch Free skill will prevent hits damage from interrupting your attacks.

Monster Hunter Wilds Light Bowgun builds

  • Second weapon: Chain Blitz II

A seemingly small upgrade, but the Chain Blitz II is actually on the level of some of the latest Low Rank bowguns on the crafting tree. That's because of, you guessed it, its Level 2 Pierce Ammo and Level 2 Tetrad Shot. If Pierce ammo isn't appealing, the Ajarakan bowguns are another great option that you'll get access to around two-thirds through the Low Rank story.

  • Second armor set: Balahara Vambraces, Coil and Greaves, Kranodath Mail, Ingot Helm, Blessing Charm

By midway through Low Rank you're going to need some sturdier armor, so craft the three pieces of the Balahara set that have the Evade Extender skill. Maxing this armor skill will give you dramatically increased range on the Light Bowgun's sidestep and slide moves, letting you soar across the arena any time a monster comes your way. The Kranodath Mail (you'll have to kill at least of these small monsters to unlock this chest piece) will let you keep a point in Flinch Free, while the Ingot Helm is the least important but offers nice defense and Divine Blessing to lower incoming damage. You can bump that up to level 2 by crafting a Blessing Talisman once you arrive at Oilwell Basin.

Monster Hunter Wilds Light Bowgun builds

  • Third weapon: Rey Szelatya II

The Light Bowgun made from Rey Dau, the Windward Plains' apex predator, is best in late Low Rank and even early High. It has high level Pierce ammo like the Chain Blitz, but its specialty is Thunder Ammo. Not only is it Level 2 on this bowgun, but Thunder is one of its Rapid Fire ammos.

  • Third armor set: Guardian Ebony Helm, Mail, Braces, and Coil, Leaping Charm

There's no armor skill for the rest of Low Rank that really beats out the convenient dodging of Evade Extender, but a Leaping Charm talisman will let you ditch a piece of that aging Balahara armor for some better defense and much increased damage output. Four pieces of the Guardian Ebony set will give you level 3 Burst, which increases your regular and elemental damage on successive hits (make the most of that rapid fire mode!). This will also enable the Odogaron set's Burst Boost II group skill, improving Burst even further. Keep your old Balahara pants to retain a couple tiers of Evade Extender; once you reach High Rank, you'll be able to upgrade your Leaping Charm and reach maximum dodge once again.

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Monster Hunter Wilds guides

Morgan Park
Staff Writer

Morgan has been writing for PC Gamer since 2018, first as a freelancer and currently as a staff writer. He has also appeared on Polygon, Kotaku, Fanbyte, and PCGamesN. Before freelancing, he spent most of high school and all of college writing at small gaming sites that didn't pay him. He's very happy to have a real job now. Morgan is a beat writer following the latest and greatest shooters and the communities that play them. He also writes general news, reviews, features, the occasional guide, and bad jokes in Slack. Twist his arm, and he'll even write about a boring strategy game. Please don't, though.

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