Best Bow build in Monster Hunter Wilds

A bow-wielding hunter stands on a cliff in Monster Hunter Wilds.
(Image credit: Capcom)

If you're looking for the best Bow build in Monster Hunter Wilds, two things are probably true. One, you're interested in dealing damage without putting yourself directly in disemboweling range. And two, you probably looked at bowguns and thought "This might be a lot" when you saw the ammo screens. Welcome to the Bow, aka the ranged weapon that is Just The Right Amount.

(It's still a lot.)

The Bow is a mid-range powerhouse in Monster Hunter, dealing in steady, repeated damage while special attacks like the Dragon Piercer provide occasional high-power bursts. It's also a very mobile weapon—often, optimal Bow play involves more deliberate dodging to power up your arrows than it does charging them by holding down a button.

Below, I'll run you through the basics of Bow attacks and playstyle in Monster Hunter Wilds before setting you up with a slate of armor and weapon suggestions to make your path through Low Rank a pleasant one.

Looking for more hunting tips? Check out our Monster Hunter Wilds guide hub for all the G-Rank advice we've crafted so far.

How to play Bow in Monster Hunter Wilds

The first and most important thing to understand about the Bow is effective range. Like the Bowguns, the Bow's most effective when you're not too far from or too close to the monster you're shooting at. You'll know you're within your Bow's effective range when your targeting reticle turns orange while aiming with LT on a controller, like this:

A bow reticle in Monster Hunter Wilds showing effective range.

(Image credit: Capcom)

You'll want to ensure you're shooting from effective range as often as possible. Otherwise, you're doing far less damage than you could be.

Now, let's talk about basic mechanics and controls.

Basic Bow attacks and comboing

On a controller, aim your bow with LT. This will pull up your targeting reticle, and it'll also highlight monster wounds for destroying with Focus Strikes. Charge your shots by holding RT and release to shoot. There are three charge levels, indicated by dots that appear to either side of your reticle as you charge. The higher your charge level, the more damage your shot will do.

Three Bow reticles in Monster Hunter Wilds, showing different charge levels.

(Image credit: Capcom)

However, dodging while charging a shot or immediately after a shot will perform a Charging Sidestep, raising your charge level. As a result, instead of manually charging every shot, you'll do more damage by continually dodging and shooting at max level instead.

  • Successfully dodging a monster's attack with a Charging Sidestep will perform a Discerning Dodge, which restores your stamina and fills some of your Trick Arrow Gauge. More on that below.
  • Press B during a shot combo to perform a Power Shot, immediately firing a spread of arrows at your current charge level. Immediately press B again for a Power Volley, firing another spread. These are good options if a monster is close enough to eat all the arrows, and it's also a good way to finish off a sequence of shots once as you're nearing the end of your stamina bar.

Press B+Y when you're not charging a shot to perform a Dragon Piercer—a powerful special attack that punches through the monster and damages it continually as it does so. Performing a Dragon Piercer during a combo will greatly speed up its animation. If the monster topples while you're shooting it, it's a great time for a Dragon Piercer.

The Trick Arrow Gauge, Tracer Arrows, and Coatings

New to Bow in Monster Hunter Wilds is the Trick Arrow Gauge. This is the bar on the right side of your screen above your consumable items. It refills as you land shots, and you can spend the gauge on Coatings and Tracer Arrows.

  • Press X while charging a shot to spend Trick Arrow Gauge by readying a Tracer Arrow. The Tracer Arrow will embed itself where it hits a monster, and every shot you fire while it's active will home in on the tracer arrow. Eventually, the Tracer Arrow will detonate, dealing additional damage.
  • Press B while charging a shot to start aiming an Arc Shot. This will place a reticle on the ground, and firing the shot will rain arrows from the sky. Some of those arrows will be Fuse Arrows, which embed themselves and eventually detonate like Tracer Arrows.
  • Holding LB will let you select a Coating by pushing A and Y. Press Y without holding LB or charging a shot to apply a Coating. I'll run through the Coating types below.

While charging a shot, press B+Y to perform Thousand Dragons. This is a wide spread of arrows with a short range by default, but when you have a Tracer Arrow or Fuse Arrow active, those shots gain range and will immediately detonate the Tracer. Dragon Piercer will also detonate Fuse Arrows and Tracers.

Hold RB while aiming with LT to prepare Focus Fire, the Bow's Focus Strike. This will activate a larger aiming reticle, letting you lock onto both monster wounds and active Tracer arrows. The longer you aim at wounds or Tracers, the more arrows you'll fire.

Coating Types

Each Bow allows the use of a limited selection of Coating Types, but you can enable other Coatings for that bow with Decorations. Power Coating increases arrow damage. Close-Range Coating reduces your effective arrow range, but increases damage. Piercing Coating causes arrows to pierce through a monster and deal multiple instances of damage, like small versions of the Dragon Piercer.

Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Blast, and Exhaust coatings all apply their respective statuses.

Putting it all together

Dealing the most damage with Bow involves using Charging Sidestep to shoot and dodge up to maximum charge level and then continuing to alternate shots and dodges to pump out max level arrows and Power Shots, eventually finishing your combo with a couple Power Shots or a Dragon Piercer.

  • If you land Tracer Arrows and Fuse arrows before your combo, you can add an extra layer of damage by eventually triggering their detonations with a Dragon Piercer or Thousand Dragons.
  • Timing perfect dodges with Charging Sidestep will refill your stamina, allowing you to continue your shot combo.

Best Bow build in Low Rank

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Build progression








Wild Power Bow I

Bone Helm

Bone Mail

Balahara Vambraces

Balahara Coil

Balahara Greaves


Windbrace Bow I

Hirabami Headdress

Hirabami Mail

Balahara Vambraces

Balahara Coil

Balahara Greaves

Fitness Charm I

Albirath Bow I

G. Rathalos Helm

Rey Sandmail

G. Rathalos Vambraces

Xu Wu Coil

Xu Wu Greaves

Fitness Charm I

The Bow is one of the most stamina-reliant weapons in Monster Hunter. Unfortunately, the best stamina management skills—Constitution and Stamina Surge—aren't easily accessible until later in Low Rank. Until then, we'll be focusing on armor skills that make our general gameplay as smooth as possible.

Monster Hunter Wild Bow builds

  • First weapon: Wild Power Bow I

Throughout this build guide I'm going to be suggesting bows that, like the The Wild Power Bow I, allow the use of the Power Coating, which provides extra arrow damage when active. The Wild Power Bow also offers a few status coatings as a nice bonus, so you can dabble with those and feel out your own preferences for later bow builds if you'd like.

It could be worth doing some mining to make a Dragon Perforator I, however. It allows the use of the Pierce Coating, which makes each of your arrows punch through the monster and deal damage as it passes through every damageable part along the way. If you end up preferring how that feels over the Power Coating, I'd recommend making a Rey Perkonis I when that tier of the Smithy unlocks, and using that for the duration of Low Rank.

  • First armor set: Bone Helm, Bone Mail, Balahara Vambraces, Balahara Coil, Balahara Greaves

Our best stamina management skills aren't available until later on in Low Rank, so we'll have to take what we can get. The Bone pieces provide Marathon Runner, which decreases stamina usage for actions that steadily drain stamina, like charging arrow shots. Ideally, we'll want to be dodging and shooting as much as possible, but it's not really feasible at this point. Marathon Runner will help us get more shots out until our armor supports it.

Speaking of dodging, Balahara gear gives Evade Extender, increasing our dodge distance. It's almost always worth grabbing for general comfort if you've got the gear or decoration space.

Monster Hunter Wild Bow builds

  • Second weapon: Windbrace Bow I

We continue our survey of Power Coating bows with the Windbrace Bow, a Hirabami Bow that adds some ice damage, though it'll cost us our other coatings. It also has a few innate points in Focus, which speeds up attack charging. Since we can't make the most out of the dodge-and-shoot playstyle quite yet, we might as well speed up our charging so we're spending less stamina doing it.

  • Second armor set: Hirabami Headdress, Hirabami Mail, Balahara Vambraces, Balahara Coil, Balahara Greaves, Fitness Charm I

You'd be perfectly fine keeping the first armor set and dropping in a few armor spheres for some extra defense, but if you're interested in a change, you could pick up some Hirabami pieces while building your Windbrace Bow. They'll give you a couple points in the Evade Window skill, increasing the invincibility frames of your dodge. In turn, it'll be easier to perform the Discerning Dodge, which refills your stamina whenever you successfully dodge a monster attack.

More important, however, is making our first talisman: Fitness Charm I. It'll provide us with our first Constitution skill point, providing a flat deduction on every dodge and arrow shot, making the bow's shoot-and-scoot playstyle much more manageable.

Monster Hunter Wild Bow builds

  • Third weapon: Albirath Bow I

We're swapping ice for fire. The Albirath Bow gives us more physical damage, more elemental damage, a higher crit chance, and Blast Coating. It also gives a point in Ballistics, slightly increasing the maximum effective range of our arrows. It'll also synergize well with a couple armor pieces from our third armor set.

  • Third armor set: G. Rathalos Helm, Rey Sandmail, G. Rathalos Vambraces, Xu Wu Coil, Xu Wu Greaves, Fitness Charm I

Lots of changes here—and for the better. We've finally hit the point where stamina skills are more accessible. We'll continue pumping our Constitution skill with the Rey Sandmail chest armor, and we'll also get Xu Wu waist and leg armor, giving us two points in Stamina Surge to increase our stamina regen rate.

With the G. Rathalos Helm and G. Rathalos Vambraces, we get a little bit of offense from our armor thanks to two points in the Weakness Exploit skill, adding extra damage when we hit monster weak spots and land Focus Strikes on wounds (which we do a lot of with the Bow). With those two pieces, we also get the Scorcher I set bonus, giving our attacks a chance to do an extra chip of fire damage—a nice complement to our Albirath Bow.

Best Bow build in High Rank

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Build progression








Albirath Bow II

Kut-Ku Helm β

Gypceros Mail β

Kut-Ku Vambraces β

Gypceros Coil β

Conga Greaves β

Fitness Charm II

Entbehrung I

G. Rathalos Helm β

G. Rathalos Mail β

G. Ebony Braces β

G. Ebony Coil β

G. Rathalos Greaves β

Chain Charm I


G. Ebony Helm β

Arkvulcan Mail β

G. Ebony Braces β

Arkvulcan Coil β

Udra Miregreaves β

Chain Charm II

  • Fourth weapon: Albirath Bow II

We'll work our way to an Albirath Bow upgrade as we dip our toes into High Rank, but soon we'll be switching to a different path of the Bow tree. Do yourself a favor and toss in a couple normal Rathalos hunts to build a Dark Filament bow, because we'll want the Gore Magala bow tree unlocked as we proceed.

  • Fourth armor set: Kut-Ku Helm β, Gypceros Mail β, Kut-Ku Vambraces β, Gypceros Coil β, Conga Greaves β, Fitness Charm II

We're setting aside our offensive gains from the end of low rank for across-the-board stamina management to make our transition into High Rank comfortable. A blend of Kut-Ku and Gypceros pieces gives us healthy levels of Stamina Surge and Constitution, and we've got a few slots to drop in some extra points of Evade Extender if we desire.

  • Fifth weapon: Entbehrung I

We approach our endgame bow choice with the Entbehrung I, a Gore Magala bow with good attack values, an attractive 20% crit chance, and a good chunk of Dragon elemental damage. It also comes with maxed Critical Element, so that Dragon damage will increase every time we crit. If you've got a Critical Boost jewel to drop in its 3-slot, all the better. That'll pair well with our next armor upgrades. Speaking of:

  • Fifth armor set: G. Rathalos Helm β, G. Rathalos Mail β, G. Ebony Braces β, G. Ebony Coil β, G. Rathalos Greaves β, Chain Charm I

G. Rathalos armor and Weakness Exploit makes a triumphant return to make the most of our Gore Magala bow's crit chance and Crit Element. It's joined by a few G. Ebony pieces and a Chain Charm I to give us a near-maxed Burst skill, which provides an increasing attack and affinity bonus as we land repeated attacks on a monster. As we shoot, we'll continually stack extra damage and land more crits. What's not to love?

Fill those decoration slots with some Constitution and Stamina Surge jewels and 2-slot jewels of your choosing. Partbreaker's not a bad option, as the bonus damage on wound destructions pairs really well with our easily-accessible Focus Strikes.

Monster Hunter Wilds Bow High Rank builds

  • Endgame weapon: Verzweiflung

As above, the fully-upgraded Gore Magala bow is a lovely package of attack stat, crit chance, dragon damage, and Critical Element. Drop a Critical Boost jewel in, and you're good to go for hammering monsters with heavy crits.

  • Endgame armor set: G. Ebony Helm β, Arkvulcan Mail β, G. Ebony Braces β, Arkvulcan Coil β, Udra Miregreaves β, Chain Charm II

This final armor set is taking the thesis established by our last High Rank set and running with it to its endpoint. As before, we're pairing Burst and Weakness Exploit to pair increased crit chance with escalating attack and affinity bonuses. The addition of an upgraded Chain Charm II and Tier 3 decoration slots mean we can max both skills, and have a few decoration slots left over to get our stamina management skills to a comfortable level.

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Monster Hunter Wilds guides

News Writer

Lincoln has been writing about games for 11 years—unless you include the essays about procedural storytelling in Dwarf Fortress he convinced his college professors to accept. Leveraging the brainworms from a youth spent in World of Warcraft to write for sites like Waypoint, Polygon, and Fanbyte, Lincoln spent three years freelancing for PC Gamer before joining on as a full-time News Writer in 2024, bringing an expertise in Caves of Qud bird diplomacy, getting sons killed in Crusader Kings, and hitting dinosaurs with hammers in Monster Hunter.

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