From Darkness is a single-player interactive documentary about African refugees

Three years in the making, From Darkness is an interactive documentary research project, created by Austrian artist group Gold Extra, that allows players to "encounter the turmoils and conflicts that have plagued eastern Africa [for decades]." I's still in alpha, however its version 0.6 is now available to download for free. 

Assuming the role of a Belgian journalist, players must interview the citizens of Nairobi in order to find the whereabouts of her missing daughter. In doing so, From Darkness aims to explore the stories of real world urban refugees—paying particular deference to the Banyamulenge, a Congolese group who have been "brutally displaced and are coping with the challenges of exile."

Here's the reveal trailer:

And the official word from Gold Extra: 

"From Darkness takes you straight to the streets of the metropolis Nairobi. The subjects of this project are the ongoing 'resource wars' in Eastern and Central Africa; the current circumstances of urban refugees; and stories of daily life from local communities and groups of refugees. Interactive documentaries are a significant new medium within the genre of transmedia storytelling. 

"From Darkness opens up new perspectives and creates a walkable piece of art. Viewers and players can explore and uncover layers of stories, memories, political contexts and dreams."

From Darkness is available to download, for free, for Windows, Mac and Linux—head this way for the respective links. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show