Fortnite update v5.20 rolls out double barrel shotgun and Steady Storm LTM

Patch notes for Fortnite's update v5.20 have landed, and, yes, they come with the double barrel shotgun

"Devastating at close range, the Double Barrel Shotgun packs a punch with each of its 2 shots," says this post of the Legendary and Epic variant weapon that can be found in floor loot, chests, Supply Drops and Vending Machines. Said to deliver a "high burst damage" up close, the twin shooter's power expectedly tapers off at distance.  

Moreover, the double shotty carries 10 pellets and boasts a wider spread over its standard counterpart, despite dealing a lower critical damage multiplier at 1.25x. Likewise, the Double Barrel Shotgun has a two second cooldown when swapped out. It looks like this:

The Steady Storm limited time mode, on the other hand, is said to "wait for no player" and does not contain safe zones. With one constantly moving storm, players are told to keep an eye on the map so as to predict where it might wind up. Getting stuck inside the storm will cost you 10 damage per second—and the storm itself will close over 15 minutes. 

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Update v5.20 applies a host of balances and checks to Vending Machines—the sum of which can be read here. In essence, vendies now spawn more often, cost less, and have an increased chance to spawn at higher rarities. Update v5.20 also adds new weekly Horde Challenges to Save the World, as well as the so-called 'Mythic Outlander' Ragnarok, The Dark Viking. He looks hard as nails:

The patch notes for Fortnite's update v5.20 can be read in full this-a-way

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show