Where to find Fortnite's hidden Fortbytes

New to Fortnite Season 9 are Fortbytes, collectibles released throughout the season that slowly reveal a mysterious picture. What that picture is and why it matters are unknown, but here's what we do know: collecting Fortbytes unlocks new styles for Season 9 cosmetics. Gotta look good in battle royale and creative mode.

Earning most Fortbytes is a matter of attrition—leveling up, placing in the top 10, reaching higher battle pass tiers—so this guide will focus on where to find Fortbytes hidden around the map. We'll be sure to update with every Fortbyte location as soon as they're unlocked, so you'll want to keep tabs on this guide.

Today's Fortbyte location: Fortbyte 38 - Accessible With The Vendetta Outfit At The Northernmost Sky Platform - The final Fortbyte!

It's the last Fortbyte! And go figure, it's a pain to get if you don't already have the Vendetta skin.

Fortbyte 38, the final Fortbyte, is only available if you've unlocked and equip the Vendetta skin. Then drop towards the southern end of Lazy Lagoon. Fortbyte 38 is located a little west, on the northern most Sky Platform on the map. Once you've landed, you should be able to find it pretty quickly.

Of course, if you're working towards the Singularity skin, you'll need 90 out of 100 Fortbytes. So if you've managed to acquire the Vendetta skin, here's a pretty easy way to bump that count up by one.

(Image credit: Fortnite)

Fortbyte 21 location - Found inside a metal llama building

Head to the northwest corner of the map, just a bit north of Junk Junction. There you'll find a pretty huge metal llama building. Fortbyte 21 starts out near the top, but other players are inevitably going to knock it lower when they're screwing around. Depending on how many other players are bumrushing to the same Fortbyte, you might have to whack away at some walls or floors to get to it. Considering next season is going to probably feature a mech vs. kaiju fight, I'd be really disappointed if the metal llama didn't get in on the action.

(Image credit: Fortnite)

(Image credit: Fortnite/Epic Games)

Fortbyte 2 location - Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #6

Maybe you've unlocked the sixth loading screen, maybe you haven't. Doesn't matter. Just head to the top of the Neo Tilted clock tower to find the fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 3 location - Accessible by using the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western most point  

Head as west as you can go, to the furthest point of the map behind Snobby Shores. Use the emoji for the fortbyte.  

Fortbyte 5 location - Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle emote inside a dance club

Head to the abandoned disco warehouse northeast of Happy Hamlet. The fortbyte is in the middle of the dance floor. Shake it for the goods.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 6 location - Accessible with the Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert

Head to the ice cream shop west of the race track and use the Yay! emote just inside the front door for an easy Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 7 location - Accessible by using the Cuddle Up Emoticon inside a rocky umbrella

Head to the umbrella-shaped mine just southeast of The Block. You'll find the Fortbyte right above the entrance to the cave at the umbrella's 'handle'. Use the Cuddle Up emote to claim the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 8 location - Found within Junk Junction 

Head into the main building at Junk Junction. It's on the bed. Easy-peasy. 

Fortbyte 11 location - Found beneath a circling jungle parrot

Look for a bird. A literal bird. There's a bird. Find the bird. It's circling in the sky south of Sunny Steps and east of Pressure Plant. The fortbyte is just below.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 12 location - Accessible using the Nana Nana Spray inside a molten tunnel

There's only one molten tunnel on the map, so let's head there. Follow the Pressure Plant's lava river until it enters a tunnel for a simple visual aid. Head inside and use the spray on the ground near the fortbyte to claim it. 

Fortbyte 13 location - Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen 2

Collectibles and human waste complement one another very well, and this Fortbyte is a perfect example. Head to the three dinos south of Paradise Palms, then check out the outhouse behind the visitor center. The Fortbyte is hidden inside. 

Fortbyte 14 location - Found within an RV park

Let's go to the only RV park Fortnite has. It's smack dab in the middle of the lot, located between Mega Mall and Lonely Lodge. 

Fortbyte 16 location - Found in a desert house with too many chairs

Head to the unnamed ghost town at the southeast corner of the map. The building you're looking for is at the southern edge of town, and you'll know it from the armchairs on the roof...and blocking nearly every entryway. Head inside for the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 17 location - Found inside a wooden fish building

To find this Fortbyte, head to the hot springs just northeast of Lazy Lagoon. You'll find it inside of the wooden fish. Check the tail. 

Fortbyte 19 location - Accessible with the Vega outfit inside a spaceship building

Get dressed and fly to the small lot east of Polar Peak, the former home of the big chair. Now, the chair is a spaceship. Head to the cockpit for the fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 20 location - Found at the center of any of the first three Storm Circles

This fortbyte location isn't static, but it can be a hassle to grab in the wrong game mode. Drop into Team Rumble for this one. Stay in the bus until the first circle appears then beeline for the center of the circle. You'll find the fortbyte, well, wherever that is. It'll have a purple lightning bolt hover above it to make it easier to eyeball. 

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 21 location - Found inside a metal llama building

Head to the northwest corner of the map, just a bit north of Junk Junction. There you'll find a pretty huge metal llama building. Fortbyte 21 starts out near the top, but other players are inevitably going to knock it lower when they're screwing around. Depending on how many other players are bumrushing to the same Fortbyte, you might have to whack away at some walls or floors to get to it. Considering next season is going to probably feature a mech vs. kaiju fight, I'd be really disappointed if the metal llama didn't get in on the action.

(Image credit: Fortnite)

(Image credit: Fortnite/Epic Games)

Fortbyte 22 location - Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass

Head to the southwestern half of Neo Tilted and look for the pictured red truck. Just below you'll find the Fortbyte. Use the Rox Spray on the wall to claim it. 

Fortbyte 23 location - Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint

Drop on the mountain just west of Loot Lake. The fortbyte is right there, vibrating, waiting for the soft warm embrace of human flesh.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 24 location -  Found within Fatal Fields

This Fortbyte's an easy get. Just head to the house at Fatal Fields and you'll find it behind the drafting board on the second floor. 

Fortbyte 26 location - Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker 

For this Fortbyte, just float down to the southernmost island. You'll find the Fortbyte in the tiny shack. Make sure you're dressed as the bearded Bunker Jonesy beforehand.  

Fortbyte 27 location - Found somewhere within map location A4

This one's a bit tricky because there aren't any simple points of reference. It's in A4, just north of Snobby Shores set up against the hillside near the edge of the map. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 28 location - Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard

Head to the junkyard southeast of Paradise Palms. You'll find the pattern match game out back. Watch the pattern play out and mimic it by shooting each colored panel. Do this a few times to activate the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 29 location - Found underneath the tree in Crackshot's Cabin

Drop on the hill north of Frosty Flights near the big, unmarked cabin. Head inside and find the fortbyte under the tree. If it's not there, maybe you should reflect on your behavior over the past year.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 30 location - Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park

Vague. No worries. The byte is hanging out between the two mountains splitting Pleasant Park and Haunted Hills. Look for some trees near a patch of dirt to find that good-good. 

Fortbyte 31 location - Fount at a meteor crater overlook

Head to the ruined building overlooking the northern edge of Dusty Divot. You'll find the Fortbyte on the metal grating near the diagram. 

Fortbyte 32 location - Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point

Make sure you're bringing the Kyo pet back bling along for the ride, then float down to the edge of the island slightly northeast of Junk Junction to claim the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 33 location - Found at a hidden location within Loading Screen #10

Head to Lonely Lodge and check inside the westernmost 1x1 cabin for the Fortbyte. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 34 location - Found between a fork and a knife

Look for the fork and knife on the map, just south of Salty Springs. Drop there and into one of the implement imprints. The fortbyte is in the tunnel between them.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 36 location - Accessible by Sentinel on a frozen island

Dress as Sentinel to claim this Fortbyte. There are only two frozen islands on the map, so head to the westmost berg and you'll find the Fortbyte behind the rocks on its southern tip. 

Fortbyte 37 location - Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park

Head to the northernmost house in Pleasant Park. Find the hidden basement entrance under the stairs. Run by all the rubble and break down the far back wall for the fortbyte. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 38 - Accessible With The Vendetta Outfit At The Northernmost Sky Platform

It's the last Fortbyte! And go figure, it's a pain to get if you don't already have the Vendetta skin.

Fortbyte 38, the final Fortbyte, is only available if you've unlocked and equip the Vendetta skin. Then drop towards the southern end of Lazy Lagoon. Fortbyte 38 is located a little west, on the northern most Sky Platform on the map. Once you've landed, you should be able to find it pretty quickly.

Of course, if you're working towards the Singularity skin, you'll need 90 out of 100 Fortbytes. So if you've managed to acquire the Vendetta skin, here's a pretty easy way to bump that count up by one.

(Image credit: Fortnite)

Fortbyte 40 location - Accessible with the Demi outfit on a sundial in the desert

Just pop the Demi outfit on and head to the sundial made of cars on the hill east of Fatal Fields. The fortbyte is in plain sight. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 41 location - Accessible by using Tomatohead Emoticon inside the DurrBurger restaurant

Back to Neo Tilted for another Fortbyte. This one is located on the first floor of the DurrBurger, which is nearly impossible to miss. Just look for the massive hamburger hologram in the sky. Use the Tomatohead emote near the Fortbyte to claim it. 

Fortbyte 43 location - Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a Banana Stand

Head to Peely's place in the southwest corner of Neo Tilted. Walk inside of the banana stand wearing the banana cape to pick up the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 47 location - Found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed battlebus

For this Fortbyte, it's easiest to start at the pirate camp west of Lazy Lagoon. Head directly south into the jungle. The Fortbyte is hanging out where the dirt path splits.

Fortbyte 48 location - Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountain top throne

The throne in this case is a toilet on a hill northeast of Happy Hamlet. Drop down with the Vox pickaxe and bash the gnome for the fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 49 location - Found in Trog's ice cave

There's only one Sasquatch cave on the Fortnite map. You'll find the entrance in a grove of trees splitting the distance between Frosty Flights and Happy Hamlet. The fortbyte's in the hut. 

Fortbyte 50 location - Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins

This Fortbyte's easy to find, but not necessarily easy to claim. Head to the ruined castle east of the Haunted Hills graveyard. Head to the rooms opposite the throne (where the marker is in the picture below) and you'll find the Fortbyte waitin' for a claimin'. Thing is, it has to be night. You can try your luck by waiting, but queuing up for another match might be a better idea. Eventually you'll get one that starts at night. 

Fortbyte 51 location - Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely's Banana Stand 

Head to Peely's Banana Stand in the southwest portion of Neo Tilted. Use the Cluck Strut emote and start walking across the road towards the Fortbyte. It should become available after a few steps.  

Fortbyte 52 location - Accessible with Bot Spray inside a Robot Factory

Head to the Pressure Plant and land in the bottom of the southeast corner. Use the spray to enable the fortbyte. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 53 location - Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountaintop villain lair

Head to the mountain just northeast of Snobby Shores. Inside, find the first floor of the ruined lair. Dance with a friend or kind stranger on each pad to raise the disco ball and activate the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 55 location - Found within Haunted Hills

This Fortbyte is hidden in the building just east of the church in Haunted Hills. Make sure it's not a ghost, then claim it. 

Fortbyte 57 location - Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim 

Just land on the northernmost rim of the volcano, but be sure to equip the Basher Bunker pickaxe first. Smash the small rock to unlock the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 58 location - Accessible by using the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores

Head to Snobby Shores with the Sad Trombone emote in tow. The fortbyte is located in the northernmost lot. Play the sad song for the sad collectible. 

Fortbyte 59 location -  Accessible with Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant

Equip the Durr! emoji and head to the northeast corner of Mega Mall. You'll find the Pizza Pit on the first floor. Head to the back and turn the corner for the fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 60 location - Accessible with the Sign Spinner emote in Happy Oink restaurant

Fly to Happy Hamlet then head to the northern part of town. Look for the sign with the pig on it, head inside, and use the emote behind the counter for the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 61 location - Accessible by using Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall

Head to the area just beneath the first stretch of waterfall on the southern edge of the viking village. Use the Sunbird spray on the ground for the Fortbyte.   

Fortbyte 62 location - Accessible with the Stratus outfit within an abandoned mansion

Head to the ruined mansion south of Lonely Lodge on the eastern edge of the map. Make sure you're wearing the Stratus outfit, then head to the ground floor for the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)

Fortbyte 63 location - Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields

Head to the gas station just north of Lucky Landing. Find the fortbyte between the pumps.

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(Image credit: Fortnite)

Fortbyte 64 location - Accesible by Rox on top of Stunt Mountain 

Another simple Fortbyte. Just dress up as Rox and head to Stunt Mountain, the one with the ring of trees and ramps and driftboards just south of Pleasant Park.

Fortbyte 65 location -  Found in a basement budget movie set

This fortbyte is in the basement studio of the southernmost house just west of Shifty Shafts. Head downstairs for the goods. 

Fortbyte 67 location - Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southernmost Sky Platform

Do as the fortbyte commands. Equip that glider and glide through the triangles for the digital prize. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 68 location - Found within a snowy town book shop  

This one's sitting in Happy Hamlet, up near the northwestern part of town. Look for a house with bookshelves lining the walls then head to the second floor for the Fortbyte.  

Fortbyte 69 location - Found inside a stone pig building 

This Fortbyte is hidden inside the pig-shaped building just east of Lucky Landing. Climb into its head for the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 70 location - Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped 

The most blindingly obvious and simple Fortbyte yet. Just head to the skies above Lazy Lagoon and make sure you have the Vibrant Contrails equipped. Do some simple aerial maneuvers for a Fortbyte.  

Fortbyte 72 location -  Found within Salty Springs

You'll find this one in an overturned car in Salty Springs, out in a fairly open area, near some orange barriers. Simple stuff.  

Fortbyte 74 location - Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin's basement on the desert coast 

We're visiting John Wick's place for this Fortbyte. Just head to the coastal home east of Paradise Palms. You'll find the Fortbyte in a filing cabinet in the basement, as advertised.  

Fortbyte 75 location - Found within an airport hanger [sic]

Interpret the misspelling and head to the westernmost hangar at Frosty Flights. The fortbyte is inside. 

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(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 76 location - Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building 

Head to Neo Tilted. The Fortbyte is in the lone building that survived the volcanic hellfire. It's just southwest of the fountain in the city square. Head up one flight of stairs and face east to find the meteor display. The Fortbyte should be right in front of you.

Fortbyte 77 location - Found within a track side taco shop

No frills here. Just land at the taco shop on the western edge of the race track in the desert region. Head inside to claim the Fortbyte. 

Fortbyte 78 location - Found within a Ranger tower overlooking a drained lake

Just head to the lookout tower just north of Loot Lake. You know the one. The Fortbyte is inside. 

Fortbyte 79 location - Found within an arcade 

Time to go shopping. Head to Mega Mall and look for the holographic Tomato Head. Head to the first floor terrace across the mezzanine from out big red sauce god and you'll find the arcade. The Fortbyte is right behind the counter.  

Fortbyte 81 location - Accessible in the daytime near a mountain top cactus wedge

This one is all about timing, with a little luck. To collect the Fortbyte, head to the mountain just southeast of Paradise Palms. It's sitting in the skeleton near the southern edge. The big caveat: it's gotta be daytime. Hopefully it's day when you land, otherwise you'll need to wait around and hope everyone has the same goal in mind. 

Fortbyte 82 location - Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of The Block

You'll need friends or some kind strangers to get this Fortbyte. As the prompt says, head northwest of The Block into a small grove of trees. Three pressure plates surround the Fortbyte, which isn't activated until all three plates have someone standing on them. Squad up, if you can, and take turns standing on plates while one person grabs it. It's possible to grab in Solos while the challenge is still fresh, too, assuming enough friendly folks land there with the same goal in mind. 

Fortbyte 83 location - Found in a rock garden near the coast

Head to the eastern edge of the map, directly east of Pressure Plant. Look for the garden with the rock people in it. The Fortbyte lies within your heart, but also in that garden. 

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(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 88 location - Found somewhere within map location J3 

The description does most of the work. Let rocks do the rest. Head to square J3 east of the Pressure Plant. The Fortbyte is right on the edge of the forest near a trio of rocks. 

Fortbyte 89 location - Accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores

Easy peasy. Just fly through the rings with the Scarlet Strike glider equipped. Hopefully you've been putting in the work on that battle pass. 

Fortbyte 91 location - Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4 

Head to Paradise Palms and land directly in front of the Keyboard King. The Fortbyte is hidden within the ATM. 

Fortbyte 92 location - Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall

To find Fortbyte 92, you'll need to have the Rock Love spray equipped. It's one of the first items in the battle pass, so you likely have it already. The Fortbyte is located at the mouth of the lava river just south of the Pressure Plant. Spray the lovely painting somewhere nearby and the Fortbyte will activate. Kiss it tend—er, I mean, claim it. 

Fortbyte 95 location -  Found at a Solar Panel Array in the Jungle

This Fortbyte is just east of the hot springs. It's right next to the solar panel array, which. No tricks this time. 

Fortbyte 97 location - Found at a location hidden within loading screen #8

We're headed to the dumpling shop. Drop at Lucky Landing, then head to the northernmost building, the one with the rotating dumpling mascot up top. The fortbyte is on the first floor. 

(Image credit: Epic Games)

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortbyte 98 Location - Found within a viking longhouse

Drop at the viking village on the mountain just southeast of Snobby Shores. The longhouse is on the northern edge of the village. You'll find the fortbyte on the floor inside. 

Fortbyte 100 location - Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted

Another easy Neo Tilted fortbyte. Just pop down to the big city and look for the building with the big broadcast antennae up top. Bust through the top floor for the fortbyte.

(Image credit: Future)

(Image credit: Future)
James Davenport

James is stuck in an endless loop, playing the Dark Souls games on repeat until Elden Ring and Silksong set him free. He's a truffle pig for indie horror and weird FPS games too, seeking out games that actively hurt to play. Otherwise he's wandering Austin, identifying mushrooms and doodling grackles. 

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