Mad with power, fishing sim developers release an entire expansion about scallops

Players of fishing simulators must be happy as a clam recently with Fishing: North Atlantic getting an entire DLC themed around scallops. Scallops, as I'm sure you know, are a major produce of Nova Scotia's fisheries, which contain some of the largest scallop beds in the world.

A thrilling concept, I know. My hands are clammy with the anticipation.

You'll have to shell out $14 for the DLC, which includes three new boats and scallop-catching minigames. You'll have to operate a crane to set, haul, and then empty your boat's dredge nets before controlling them on-ship. Once aboard you'll have to steady yourself to clean, sort, and finally store them live for travel back to the shore and eventual sale. 

Of course you're not keeping them for yourself. Don't be so shellfish.

Players of fishing simulators must be happy as a clam recently with Fishing: North Atlantic getting an entire DLC themed around scallops. Scallops, as I'm sure you know, are a major produce of Nova Scotia's fisheries, which contsome of the largest scallop beds in the world.

Right then, I'll clam up and let you get back to your day.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.