Evolution: The Video Game delayed into 2019

North Star Games’ Evolution: The Video Game has updated its release date to Early 2019. The game is a port of the company’s board game in which players create, feed, improve, and pit species against each other to be the players who had the most successful creatures. I got some hands on time a few months ago and it looked quite good already.

When reached for comment on the delay, North Star Games said that though they were quite happy with the game’s features, unexpected complications with the multiplayer caused some “major hurdles” in development. Fixing that will require a significant amount of fine-tuning before Evolution is ready for beta testers, then a final build, said the company. “Rather than rushing to deliver an unfinished product,” said a spokesperson, “we’ve delayed launch so that we can take our time ironing out any bugs that may pop up as we finalize the rest of the game’s features. Because it’s our first digital title, we want the final product of Evolution to be the best that it can be.”

Evolution: The Video Game was last scheduled for release in Q4 of this year. It was funded via Kickstarter in 2017.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.