Elite Dangerous developer announces Frontier Expo 2017

Frontier Developments, the studio responsible for Planet Coaster and Elite Dangerous, has announced Frontier Expo 2017—a day-long event set to run this October at London's Olympic Park. The expo marks the Cambridge-based outfit's first ever community affair and will feature a host of guest speakers, panels and dev-hosted demos that promise to "deep dive into Frontier's games".

Here's the skinny as per Frontier itself:

"FX2017 brings together the players and developers of Elite Dangerous and Planet Coaster for a day of gaming and celebration. Frontier Expo will be Frontier’s biggest ever community event and the next step in the studio’s journey as an independent developer and publisher of triple-A videogames.

"Frontier Expo is Frontier’s key press and community event in 2017, featuring eagerly-anticipated announcements regarding the future of Elite Dangerous, what’s next for Planet Coaster, and an exclusive in-depth look at Frontier’s as-yet unannounced third title in headline stage presentations hosted by Frontier developers."

With Gamescom around the corner, might we expect more on this elusive third title? Very possibly—we'll have boots on the ground in any event, so keep you eyes peeled towards the end of August. 

Alongside the aforementioned demonstrations and panels, so-called "world-leading experts" are scheduled to explore the "real-world science and discovery behind Frontier’s games", which sounds particularly interesting.  

"Frontier Expo is all about Frontier’s incredible community," says Frontier CEO David Braben. "Our journey into the world of self-publishing wouldn’t have been possible without the terrific communities that have assembled around Elite Dangerous and Planet Coaster. We’ve held community events before but we’ve never had the opportunity to celebrate our current games with the players and look to the studio’s future all at one event. We can’t wait to meet everyone this October."

Frontier Expo 2017 takes place October 7 at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. More information can be found via the expo's official site

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show