Elite: Dangerous adds Multi-Crew co-op features, nameplates in latest update

Elite Dangerous has launched its 2.3 update on PC—named The Commanders—which brings with it a number of co-op-leaning features for its Horizons players. If you're a non-Horizon-er, update 1.8 is free to all and gives space explorers the previously promised nameplate and ship naming features, and an overhauled Camera Suite among a number of other things. 

As outlined on the game's official forums, Multi-Crew is an interesting feature that allows commanders to fill three specific roles: Pilots, Gunners, and Fighters, each of whom carried out their duties tied to specific parts of your ship - be that on board or within a satellite area. 

Player avatars now used in ship cockpits, thanks to the latest update's Holo-Me function which lets players create their own commanders against a range of presets and customisation options.

As for Elite Dangerous' universal 1.8 update, highlights include the aforementioned—and previously reported—nameplates and Camera Suite, the addition of four new Incursion scenarios, 32 new Asteroid base type stations (including air traffic controllers), and of course the typically exhaustive list of bug fixes and quality of life improvements. The sum of all that can be found over here.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show