SPONSORED: Earth 2160 is free for the next 24 hours from Green Man Gaming

Earth 2160

Reality Pump's old RTS Earth 2160 is free on Green Man Gaming for the next twenty-four hours. Not bad for a game we awarded 72% on release.

Way back in the mists of time (2005) as PC Gamer issue 152 was being forged, a young Jim Rossignol hammered out his review on a primitive stone keyboard, saying: "Earth 2160 is weighty, complex and tough, but lacks the racing metabolism that brings the rest of its peers to life." He also praised the retro art style, saying "Earth 2160 is a 1970s, science fiction novel cover-painting, rather than one of the throbbing Hollywood movie, CGI space immensities that are so familiar today."

At the time we enjoyed Earth 2160's novel concepts, like the transforming and mitosisising alien units, although we criticised its humourless presentation and clumsy interface. But now its free, so why not try it for yourself? What more do you want? It's free and quite good. Get downloading.


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