E3 2014 in pictures
By Cory Banks
published E3 2014 in pictures
E3 2014 is now over. We laughed, we cried, we ran from appointment to appointment, we lost our hotel keys. Most importantly, we played the biggest and best games coming our way in the next year. Now that the show is done, relive the glory of the E3 expo floor in the following photos, taken by FutureUS's Mark Madeo.
The Call of Duty Hummer
The walls of Ubisoft
2K's Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel booth
Outside the Ubisoft booth
"Hang on, I can't hear you."
Three screens for The Crew
Flying tanks. What will they think of next?
The line for The Division
Every convention needs Star Wars cosplayers
The Goliath sees all
Outside the Assassin's Creed: Unity booth
Titan fall in 3, 2, 1 ...
One way to solve parking
A sweet Iron Man tattoo
An assault vehicle from Battlefield Hardline
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare in surround
Up close and personal with Evolve's Goliath
Up close and personal with Evolve's Goliath
He just wants to hug you
Sam really wanted to climb in and fight crime
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare troops in exosuits
These aren't the droids you're looking for
Evan, Wes, Sam, and introducing new associate editor Goliath
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