Every Altar of Lilith location in Diablo 4

A Diablo 4 barbarian points at an unclaimed Altar of Lilith.
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)

If you crave maximizing your characters, finding the Diablo 4 Altar of Lilith statues are the ultimate scavenger hunt, especially to buff your seasonal characters. Each one rewards some Diablo 4 renown and passes out a small glut of stat bonuses for every one of your future characters on the same realm. Unlike most of the rest of your progress, this is perfect for carrying over to each new character when it's time for a new season.

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(Image credit: Blizzard)

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Fortunately for the search ahead, every Altar of Lilith is found in the overworld, so you won't have to crawl every dungeon in search of them. But the downside is: these statues aren't placed on the map until after you've found and unlocked them already. While some of them are stuck alongside the edges of main paths, other ones are more tricky to spot in spite of their ominous red glow. You'll find Altars of Lilith sticking out of snow drifts, hidden behind cliffs, peeking out from the cemetery, and countless other clever little spots designed to hide them from prying eyes.

Below, we lay out Altar of Lilith locations for every area in Sanctuary for those looking to run down all the statues quickly, and offer hints to help you pinpoint them once you're in the area. 

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith: How they work

Altars of Lilith provide permanent stats boosts to all your future characters on the Eternal realm (separate from seasonal characters) and can only be earned once. Every Altar of Lilith will reward 10 area renown, regular experience for your character, and one of the following stat boosts: 

The Altar of Lilith locations are broken up by area and you'll find maps for each below. The statues are numbered, giving you a rough idea of the route to take to claim each one without going too far out of your way. For the most part, heading to the marked location makes it easy enough to locate the Lilith statue holding a glowing red ball. You just need to interact with it to unlock the stat bonuses and the icon on your map.

There are a select few that aren't as obvious, though, as some are tucked away in hidden corners or obscured by trees or other environmental objects. Additionally, some are even locked behind strongholds, which you'll need to complete to access the area that they reside in. 

Fractured Peaks Altar of Lilith locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)

There are a total of 28 Altars of Lilith in Fractured Peaks, the first major area you'll encounter in Diablo 4. The map above shows each location, with the details for each listed below, along with the corresponding numbers.

1. Next to the cliff of a dead-end path to the east of the Cathedral of Light.
2. At the bottom of a small ridge.
3. This statue is also tucked at the bottom of a ridge.
4. At the very edge of the map, standing against a collapsed wall.
5. This one is also at the edge of the map, with its back against the raised cliff edge behind it.
6. Inside a rocky crater facing away from the path.
7. Partially hidden by trees next to the tent.
8. This one cannot be unlocked until you clear the Malnok stronghold. Find it inside a house blocked by ice.
9. At the end of the narrow pathway that leads to a dead-end.
10. Look for where the cliff sticks out to find this statue near the jagged rocks.
11. Hidden among trees on the north edge of the narrow path.
12. Just to the north of the healing well. It's fairly well hidden among trees and debris.
13. Find this altar at the southeast edge of the pathway. There's a place you can jump across just to the left.
14. The cave system has an alcove that is open to the sky. You'll find the statue here.
15. Find the statue on the right side of the alcove where the path widens.
16. At the end of the narrow path to the north of Radiance Field Cemetary.
17. This altar is found at the edge of the alcove to the southwest of Kyovashad.
18. You'll find this statue in a tiny alcove, just to the east of a small abandoned camp.
19. Head northeast from Nevesk and you'll find this statue on the road near the gate.
20. On the southwest road out of Nevesk. It's hidden among a group of trees.
21. This one is partially hidden behind a dead tree, to the southwest of Nostrava.
22. This statue can't be unlocked until you clear the Nostrava stronghold.
23. The statue is well hidden on the northeast road out of Nostrava.
24. Look for the small alcove on the left side of the road that contains the statue.
25. Inside a house on top of Melnik's Hill.
26. This cannot be unlocked until you clear the Kor Dragan stronghold. Found on the south ramparts accessed by a ladder.
27. Look for the alcove to the right of the Forbidden City dungeon. The statue is hidden against the cliff.
28. Just to the south of the road that leads to Scosglen. Look for the alcove and you'll find the statue directly opposite.

Scosglen Altar of Lilith locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Now that you know what you're looking for, here are the locations of all 34 Altars of Lilith in Scosglen. Check the map above for each location, though you can find the details for each below.

1. This statue is well hidden behind tall trees in an alcove along the east edge of the map.
2. Inside a ruined building, showing as a small alcove on the map.
3. This statue is concealed among dead trees along the northwest edge of the road.
4. Look in the northeast corner of the abandoned village. It is at the very east edge of the alcove.
5. Almost directly east of Tirmair, this statue is very difficult to find as it's almost completely obscured by a wall.
6. In an alcove, hidden near some tall trees.
7. On a thin spit of land, facing northwest. The statue is to the right of the tall trees.
8. At the edge of a north-facing alcove, next to a climbable cliffside, almost directly east of the Maddux Watch dungeon.
9. Look for a small alcove on the north edge of the area. The statue is well hidden and almost directly east of the Hive dungeon.
10. In a small alcove just slightly south of the Whispering Pines dungeon.
11. Find this statue on the north edge of the road, among the rocks.
12. This one is right next to a wall, which makes it difficult to see. It's in an alcove on the south edge of the road.
13. In the Blood Vale area, look for the long narrow path to the southeast and you'll find this statue at the end.
14. This one is at the site of Moordaine Lodge stronghold, but you can grab it without completing the objective there. Just duck under the log to the northwest of the entrance.
To the west of Moordaine Lodge (and northeast of the previous statue), look for a climbable cliff and you'll find this Altar of Lilith at the top.
16. Inside the ruins of a building with statues. It's to the east of the circular Caen Adar area.
17. Inside a house in an alcove to the southwest of Corbach. It's almost directly west of the Luban's Rest dungeon.
18. Hidden among tall trees in an alcove on the north edge of the road.
19. This one is found in another tree-filled alcove. This time, to the east of the Penitent Cairns dungeon.
20. This statue is found along the north of the road, though it's not accessible until you've reached the part of the campaign that sends you here.
21. On the shore southeast of Hope's Light. This statue is another that has its back to you, making it pretty difficult to spot.
Hidden in an alcove next to the north shore.
23. For this one, you'll need to unlock the Hope's Light stronghold before you can grab the statue over to the east.
Inside a wooden lean-to to the southwest of the Calibel's Mine dungeon.
25. Find this statue on the edge of the narrow stream.
26. This Lilith statue is to the east of the Tur Dulra stronghold. You don't need to unlock it to access it, but you'll need to break a log to reveal the jump across to the small platform where it is.
This is on the east side of the Tur Dulra stronghold. You'll need to break a tree to jump across to its location.
28. Found in a tiny alcove on the west edge of the road here.
29. Among the tall trees to the north of the road.
30. More tall trees hide another Lilith statue along the north of the area.
31. Find this statue among some rocks and partly hidden behind a tree.
32. Right at the back of a small alcove, near abandoned tents.
33. Partly obscured by a group of dead trees, close to an abandoned camp.
34. This statue is found at the end of a narrow path which you need to climb down to reach. 

Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)

There are a total of 33 Altars of Lilith in Dry Steppes. The map above shows each statue location, and you can narrow down the whereabouts of each with the details listed below.

1. This Lilith statue is found at the back of a cave, partially hidden by the cave wall.
Look for the list brazier on the south edge of the cave to find the statue.
3. Find it at the end of the narrow path, almost directly north of the Mournfield dungeon.
4. This area becomes available as part of the campaign in Act 3.
5. Find the altar set back against the cliff wall in a small alcove.
6. Found at the end of a narrow path to the southeast of Ked Bardu.
7. At the back of a cave to the south of Ked Bardu.
8. This statue is found among rocks to the southeast of the Seaside Descent dungeon.
9. At the edge of a cliff, directly to the east of the Forgotten Depths dungeon.
10. This one is well-hidden inside an archway beneath the bridge. Look on the northern end of the bridge and on the right side.
11. Find the statue surrounded by rocks to the right of the stream.
12. This altar is found to the west of the watchtower area, near a cliff wall.
13. This statue is hidden in a cave on the southeast corner of The Onyx Watchtower stronghold. You'll need to run through a lot of enemies to get to the entrance, which you'll need to reveal by breaking wooden carts. There's no need to unlock the whole stronghold to grab it.
This one is pretty difficult to spot as it's near the edge of the lava and behind wooden racking.
15. Another difficult-to-spot statue because of the lava. This one is in an alcove on the northern tip of the path here.
16. South of Fate's Retreat, this statue is hidden behind some rocks, making it difficult to spot.
This one has its back to a cliff wall, near the dead-end.
18. Find this statue to the east of the Qara Yisu stronghold. You won't need to unlock it, but it is quite hidden by the wooden scaffolding.
At the back of an alcove, partially hidden behind some wooden stakes.
20. At the back of a short dead-end path, almost directly east of the Buried Halls dungeon.
21. This statue is difficult to spot as its back is against a cliff and it's facing away from you. The small alcove this Alter of Lilith is in is directly north of the Ancient's Lament dungeon.
22. Find this statue against the north edge of the road, inside a wooden shelter.
23. Behind a tree at the bottom of a ravine. There are two drop-down markers to the right of it.
24. You'll need to jump across to the small patch of land this statue sits on.
25. Partially hidden by a tree, this one is against the rocks north of the Sealed Archives dungeon.
26. This statue is also difficult to spot against the cliff behind some dead trees in the northwest corner of the enclosed area.
27. You won't need to clear the Temple of Rot stronghold to get the statue. Just run in and click on it.
Found inside the ruins of a building on the north edge of the road.
29. Inside a cave in the PvP area. Look for the raised area with an altar.
30. Next to a toppled wooden cart on an outcropping of land you need to jump to reach.
31. Found in an alcove close to the shore.
32. This statue is found at the north end of the very narrow strip of land, along the coastline.
33. Found in a small alcove on the cliff's edge and to the south of the main path.

Kehjistan Altar of Lilith locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)

You can find a further 31 Altars of Lilith in Kehjistan. Check out the map above for all the locations, with details to help you find each statue listed below.

1. Find this statue among a group of palm trees close to the coastal cliff.
2. This is another altar you can grab without unlocking the Altar of Ruin stronghold. You'll need to run past several packs of enemies to reach it though.
Found close to a group of rocks jutting out of the land to the north.
4. This one is inside a stone building with an arched doorway.
5. Find this altar standing against a small rock cliff wall.
6. Tucked in a tiny alcove on the southwest wall on the road to the west of the Sunken Library dungeon.
7. Found against the wall near the end of a cave.
8. This statue is on a spit of land jutting out into the water.
9. This one is tucked against a cliff wall, on the mainland directly east of the Heretic's Asylum dungeon.
10. Against the wall inside a cave. You need to drop down to this area from the northwest.
11. This one has its back to you, making it harder to spot. It's in an alcove that juts south, near a large statue.
12. Found on the west edge of Caldeum which is only accessible after completing a quest in Act 6 of the story.
13. This statue is among some trees at the back of a dead-end path.
This one is very hard to spot among the trees on the eastern edge of the area.
15. In a group of trees to the east of the north road leading out of Gea Kul.
16. Obscured by trees and grass on the road to the east of Gea Kul.
17. Found among trees on the southeast edge of a pond
18. You need to unlock the Omath's Redoubt stronghold to open the door that leads to the Altar of Lilith here. It's easy to find once you do.
Among palm trees and grass in an alcove on the southwestern edge of the area.
20. Hidden among trees across a wooden bridge.
21. This one is very well hidden by trees along the northwest edge.
Once you've completed the required quest in Act 6, you can find this statue inside a hole with broken boards lying over it.
23. This one is found to the left of the Abandoned Mineworks dungeon, near the edge of the cliff.
24. Close to the cliff edge to the east of the Renegade's Retreat dungeon.
25. Right at the edge of the overlook.
26. Find this statue in a small alcove among ruined stone buildings and wooden structures.
27. This statue can be grabbed with little trouble. There are a few enemies about but you'll probably have more trouble trying to see it than getting to it as it's partially hidden by the wooden scaffolding next to a building.
Found in the corner of a stone ruin.
29. Hidden against the sandy rockface in the alcove to the north of the Halls of the Damned dungeon.
30. This area is only accessible after you've completed the sandstorm quest in Act 3.
31. Found among the ruins of a building.

Hawezar Altar of Lilith locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)

There are a total of 34 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar. The map above shows each statue's location, and like before, details of where to find each are listed below.

1. Near a tree in an alcove to the west of Zarbinzet.
2. In a little alcove that juts north, to the far south of Zarbinzet.
3. This statue is at the bottom of a waterfall, facing south.
4. At the tip of a piece of land pointing north. The statue is to the right of a monument covered in candles.
5. You can run in and grab this statue without unlocking the Crusader's Monument stronghold first. It's partially hidden by a tree on the left of the platform.
Look for a tiny piece of land you can reach by jumping over to it from the right. The statue is near the cliff face at the back.
7. Along the southern edge of the swampy area. Look for an abandoned row boat and you'll find the statue behind it.
8. Found in the north-most area of the keep and only accessible in Act 5. You'll need to jump across to reach it.
This statue is on the northern edge of the swamp, partially hidden by a big tree.
10. Find this one tucked away in a narrow alcove to the north.
You'll gain access to this area in Act 5. Look for an alcove pointing north to find the statue.
12. Found in a tiny alcove southeast of the Haunted Refuge dungeon.
13. Inside a semi-circle of trees in a small alcove.
14. Hidden inside a wooden, ruined building in the centre of the area.
15. Another small alcove hides this one, among ruined buildings and to the right of a cellar entrance.
16. Hidden behind trees at the edge of the swamp. You can only just make out the red glow of the statue that's facing away from you.
17. Look for the bridge to the southwest of the Maugan's Works dungeon and you'll find the statue to the left of the bridge, behind some trees.
18. Find this one among the trees on the western edge of the area.
19. Look along the southern edge to find this statue.
20. Found close to some sparse trees to the east of the Ruins of Eridu dungeon.
21. Next to a rock formation on the water's edge.
22. This one is inside a stronghold, though you can just run in and grab it if you're quick. An elite will spawn on the platform it's on though, so be careful.
Found in an alcove of trees on the northern edge of the area.
24. This statue is found among sparse trees, just to the north of the Ghoa Ruins dungeon.
25. Northwest of the Faceless Shrine dungeon, this statue is surrounded by trees in an alcove.
26. Found on the southern coast, close to the water.
27. Look for two big trees surrounded by plants in the water. The statue is in front of them.
28. Near a large shipwreck on the east coast.
29. This statue is next to a viney-looking bush near the water's edge.
30. You'll need to progress through Act 5 to access this area. It's almost directly south of the Tree of Whispers waypoint.
31. Again, you'll need to progress through Act 5 to get to this area. Once you do, find this statue to the east of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon.
32. Act 5 must be completed to grab this statue. It's almost directly south of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon.
33. You need to unlock the Eriman's Pyre stronghold to access this one. It's found next to the Oblivion dungeon entrance.
34. This one is well-hidden among some trees, just past the east edge of the map.

Once you've found all of the statues in a region, you'll complete the Altar of Lilith Seeker challenge and get the Seeker and Wily players titles. If you manage to find all of them, you'll complete the Collector challenge and get the Hoarder and Treasure titles. 

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Lauren Morton
Associate Editor

Lauren has been writing for PC Gamer since she went hunting for the cryptid Dark Souls fashion police in 2017. She accepted her role as Associate Editor in 2021, now serving as self-appointed chief cozy games and farmlife sim enjoyer. Her career originally began in game development and she remains fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long fantasy books, longer RPGs, can't stop playing co-op survival crafting games, and has spent a number of hours she refuses to count building houses in The Sims games for over 20 years.

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